Sunday 21 January 2024

A Big Thank you and a PS.


I want to say a big thank you to all the bloggers who have left me comments on my posts, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all and laughed at some too.

Even to the odd anonymous one, who thought I had good grammar, your comment too odd to publish, but nice to know I can write well! (Smiling)
Seriously I do very much appreciate that you all took the time to tell me, that you too have a chair robe and some of you have a floor robe!
And thank you to those who like me find losing weight difficult. It is so encouraging. I loved the Waitrose item Angela, my favourite store, and we have one just 5 miles away.
And thank you Angela for the explanation about Hospices, they sound wonderful, I needed educating about them.. Sadly now it seems that Ester Rantzen is not expected to live long enough to hear her petition discussed in parliament. 

I love reading your blogs too and have found some wonderful books recommended by you. I try to leave comments each time. Thank you Chris, Joy Sooze,Jabblog, Bev, and all you others whose blogs are listed in my side bar. 
Isn't it amazing that we can learn from each other just by blogging, thank you again and please keep writing. I hate it when I read that a person is giving up. And very sad to hear that some lovely people have died, but while they wrote it was lovely to share their lives.

Blog land is wonderful place with joyous moments and a blessing to many people. I hope my blog has given you some moments of joy, a laugh, a cringe even and frustration if my ideas are not yours, we are all different and as I have got older my thoughts have gotten kinder, I'm not so critical but willing to admit I may be wrong in my views!

My PS....
 I've finished the book, the majority of the 306 pages was just two people talking, while sometimes driving all over the dry, dusty Australian roads and over a period of only 3 days! Yes, well written, good language and came to a satisfactory end, but I would not have read it if I hadn't bought it for Dh! He assures me he thoroughly enjoyed it.
Good blogging all.


Angela said...

Thank you Chris-blog land is a great place to find friends. I think tbatfor every unkind comment (which should be binned immediately) there are a hundred lovely, funny, thoughtful responses. I have learned so much, and met so many great people through blogging - it is especially wonderful to actually meet some in person too.
Please keep going with your posts, which I really enjoy. Have a good Sunday!

jabblog said...

As I was reading this and thinking what a lovely post it is, I had a horrible feeling you were going to say you were closing your blog. I was so pleased to discover that you're not.
It is so good to read the thoughts of others and to be inspired by them.
Carry on blogging, all!

Blods said...

Thank you for writing your blog, I'm a long time reader with no blog of my own but love to read yours and all the others. Take care Blods xx

Sooze said...

I agree, blogland is wonderful, and thank you for the mention. I read a lot but never think to blog about it - I read crime thrillers, my favourite authors being Val McDermid, James Patterson and Jeffery Deaver.

Elizabethd said...

I think sometimes we just need a bit of encouragement. I sometimes feel that I havent anything interesting to write about, but somehow manage to find something! There will always be people whose comments are less than kind, but as Ang says, bin it.

Marie Smith said...

I love how blogging brings people from around the world into our lives!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I have found blogland a wonderful place to spend some time and have made some lovely friends. I love to read what you and others have been doing.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Thank you for mentioning me. Like I said I have made some lovely friends since I started blogging x