Tuesday 16 January 2024

Cleaning?? Nah!

 Monday morning and we should have been cleaning but instead we sat and chatted, first about the Book Group book, which was ok but not exceptional. ' The Legacy of Hartlepool' by Paul Torday, (Author of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen') About a young man who inherits the family mansion, but all is not as good as it looks. So a pleasant read. And then we chatted about what we had to do.. but..it was...sunny and ...

...a crisp day and the garden was calling, because these little tuffs of green are 100 snowdrops bought in the green, which arrived packed in a flat box through the letter box on Saturday. We had planted them in groups of approx.10 in the shade of the Copper Beech hedge, hopefully they will survive the heat of the summer. I bought them with the £20 voucher from one of Dh's daughters. 

I can see them from the top step outside our French doors. When Dh could see I was looking out side, he asked, 'Are they flowering yet? Ha ha! But a reason to walk around the garden, just to check them
. It is bigger than the average garden and too big really, but we have a big petrol mower so it makes short work of the tumpy grass!
Lots of self seeded foxgloves, which I'll move when we start our spring clean up

And the garlic has grown in the veg plot, of which Dh is very proud.
And lots of daffodils sprouting up, we've planted over 500! There was nothing here when we first moved here, just weedy grass.
Christmas Roses, several of these so we have some colour already.
And the ever faithful Viburnum, sporting not just its blossom, but a seeded weed alongside!
I can't wait for Spring! There's about 65 more days, but being me and older, I tackle a lot of things before a set date, when I feel I am able to do it!
Are you looking forward to Spring too?



jabblog said...

Our daffodils are getting ready to flower and the hazel catkins are fattening. There are very few berries left on the pyracantha and the birds are busy.

Joy said...

Yes, I am - I love the freshness and colour of spring. You're turning your garden into a wonderland . . . xx

Marie Smith said...

I smiled at the sight of your garlic. Mine is buried under seaweed and won’t be sprouting for a few months!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I love wandering around the garden now to see what is braving the Winter weather. You have some lovely plants starting to grow and Spring won't be long. The weather looks like it will be much warmer next week here although it could be a bit wet.

Chris said...

It must be lovely to see greenery in your garden this early in the year. We have finally had our first real fall of snow and it will probably hang around (courtesy of frigid temperatures) until well into March or possibly April. You are very lucky to be sheltered by the Gulf Stream.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Bless said...

Those snowdrops and daffodils will look so pretty when they are flowering! I planted some daffodils, one year, and they looked lovely, but, unfortunately, they are annuals in my climate. Paperwhites, however, do better and they return year after year.