Saturday 22 June 2024

You plan, then life happens!

 Sometimes you just have to sit and 'wool gather.'  And sitting looking at this view of Rest Bay would have suited me yesterday. 

Next week we have the Book Group on Wednesday afternoon, which we really enjoy. We've both read the book, 'The Other Side of Night,' by Adam Hamdy. Not an ending we thought of, but it did sort of conclude the story satisfactorily.. but now we have several other things to contend with.

I don't like too many things in the same week it makes me feel too rushed and woozy headed.

Emmanaus can only collect our old sofa and arm chairs on Wednesday instead of Friday. We daren't put them off  to another week, because we would have had our new furniture by then.

Our odd job man was booked for the week after next and wants to come next week instead. So I've had to delay him. 

Then we drove off this morning to chose new curtains,  I made sure I had the fabric samples and Dunelm Mill is by a coffee shop we like, so our first stop was coffee and a shared ham and cheese toastie.. It was really pleasant so we decided to sit outside. Remembering that three years ago and 5 days, in the early morning, we had sat there on our way to our bungalow after staying over night in a Travel Lodge. We had Nell our dog with us, on our journey down from Suffolk, I suddenly felt weepy thinking about her. Then while we were enjoying our coffee, I suddenly remembered we had forgotten the measurements for the curtains!! What are we like??

But no matter we still went to the DIY store to buy the stain for the new steps, £40!! We are so out of touch with the prices of paint etc, so it was surprise! 

We both felt flat when we got home; I was annoyed with ourselves, the main reason for going out was to look for new curtains.. but after lunch, I sorted out somethings and Dh cut all the grass back and front. It all looked very nice and he even cut the edges.

I looked at the calendar to check dates and noticed the Chiropodist is booked for Thursday, oh no something else next week too! Can I cope?? Same day and time as our grocery order delivery is booked for! And we still have to chose the curtains and Dh reminded me we were going to Cardiff to chose a recliner chair for me on Monday, guess my 'wool gathering' will not happen for a few days.. 

Its all too much!



Joy said...

It makes for a very complicated week, for sure. Like you, I prefer things to happen as arranged. xx

Mari said...

Too much busyness! It's been happening here too for several weeks and I'm ready for a wool gathering day too.
You are accomplishing a lot though!

Lynn and Precious said...

I guess it's true that "when it rains it pours". You have a lot going on at one
time but when you are caught up on things, you'll really appreciate down time.
Good shopping when you finally get the drapes.

Marcia said...

I'm tired just reading about all the errands that will take you away from home. Hope it all goes well.

Marie Smith said...

That is a lot on the same week. Hope it all works out well.

Granny Sue said...

Some weeks are just like that, unfortunately. All that running would make me tired too, just thinking about it. I hope all goes smoothly, Chris.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Isn't it always the way - nothing some weeks, while others are filled to the brim with events.
I love the phrase'wool gathering'.