Wednesday 19 June 2024

An All Sorts of Day!

Yesterday we had coffee in town with someone I went to school with when we were age 8.. She does like to moan, but we listen as she's by herself, so we're happy to be a listening ear. Its no hardship to us and we hope she feels better getting stuff off her chest! And the coffee was good and Dh and I shared a Tiffin, wooow they're gorgeous!

After I went to the new Banking Hub, as on Thursdays the Halifax is there. I wanted to sort out one of my accounts. She was very helpful and enquired if I had an ISA this year, as the interest is higher than the savings account I have there. I said I wasn't bothered, as at 81 I was going to spend my money rather than more savings! (I didn't say I have other saving accounts with a Building Society)  She was really amazed that I was 81, as she thought I didn't look anywhere near 81. I was quite flattered. My friends say I don't look my age, but have always thought they were being nice! She asked did I use creams .I do,  but also... no sun, no soap and I drink a lot of water and I do use a serum and moisturisers. It was very pleasant chatting to her, she told me she had started working for the Halifax in 1988, I had a mortgage there 1987 .. I told her the counter assistants in the Halifax in Billericay, were renowned for being a bit miserable and we both laughed, but it was true!

After that, we popped to a super market for some yogurt, and fruit as we had eaten a lot over the weekend, I picked up a tray of cherries, which are my favourites, and peaches.. yum! 
We came home and had a cold drink in the garden under our umbrella, our south-west facing patio was 27C Too hot! My favourite cold drink is a 'Mimms' A SW  Pimms, its a mock Pimms = glass of lemonade, add 2 tsp balsamic vinegar and several slices of an orange and ice.. very nice, not sweet but not sour either, just right!
So bitty day..... an All Sorts of Day!



doodles n daydreams said...

It sounds like a nice day, allsorts as you said. Nice to catch up with a friend and even nicer to get all the compliments :)

Joy said...

I'm very fond of a not-Pimms too - it is refreshing. xx

Sooze said...

I've not kept in touch with any schoolfriends, but then we have moved house - and to various parts of the country - rather a lot.

Live and Learn said...

I have a former neighbor who has a dysfunctional family that I listen to because she needs someone to talk to. Many people have abandoned her because her family is such a mess. I don't say much, but I think it helps that she can just talk.

Mari said...

How nice to hear that from the banking lady!
Your mock Pimms sounds good!

Marcia said...

Never thought to put balsamic vinegar into a drink. Can't imagine what it would taste like.

Granny Sue said...

Sounds just about perfect, Chris. That drink is surprising! I might have to try that.

Jennifer said...

"She likes to moan." That made me chuckle. I have a few friends like that...but, my goodness, I wonder if others think the same of me. Worth pondering. Hooray for compliments on our age!! Enjoy that one for a while!:)

Marie Smith said...

What a lovely compliment!

Liz Hinds said...

Ooh, I like the sound of the Mimms! Must make a note of it.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

A lovely compliment from the Halifax lady. I don't believe your that age either.
You are also both kind and considerate of your school friend even with the moans. She is blessed to know you,Chris.