Sunday 9 June 2024


 Dh and I have received our voting cards, ready for the general election, but who shall we voting for is ?? We don't know.

The previous MP was Jamie Wallis, who 'came out' as a trans.

He doesn't have the best record. He crashed into a telegraph pole late at night and was seen running away from the crash scene dressed in a black leather mini skirt, high heels and a pearl necklace. I'm presuming he was wearing something additional to the pearls, but this was all that was reported. He ran away, so he said because he felt venerable in his women's clothing, as he had been raped on a previous occasion while dressed as  a woman. His father drove him home after the crash. He had a fine of £2500 and disqualified from driving for 6 months,

A new would be candidate has withdrawn over wholly inappropriate comments about women!

There are 5 other candidates but Dh and I haven't a clue who they are.. will they be around 'door' knocking? Who knows and will it make a difference who ever gets in?

I think we'll be watching and waiting, but I'm not enthused; I will vote but haven't got a clue who for.



Tracy said...

Things have really moved on from the days when a scandal involving an MP usually involved him taking his secretary on a weekend break to Brighton! We don't know who to vote for either and have had no info on who is even standing in our area.

Joy said...

I feel for your former MP - it is very hard to be 'different' and I am not surprised he was frightened.

I think I have to vote tactically, something I've always refused to do before. Desperate times though . . .

Rambler said...

I've had information on candidates locally, but never saw anyone face to face. Leaflets were hurriedly shoved through the letterbox without a knock on the door or a ring of the doorbell. I'm always in - I'm pretty well housebound now - never see a soul except my Sainsbury's delivery driver on Thursdays and my fortnightly gardener who keeps my lawns tidy. I won't be voting; if I was it would be for someone who would bring back respect for us oldies and sort out the availability of doctors. Haven't seen one for many months.

Marie Smith said...

Good luck with that decision.

Mari said...

Oh my, it's so hard now. I'm sure you know that here in the US, we don't have an easy decision either!

Kathy G said...

I think I would also have a hard time choosing from among that group.