Thursday 13 June 2024

Such a relief!

I've had my annual eye check today and it was with great relief to hear my dry macular degeneration has not made any further progress, thank God.. and the cataract that was diagnosed 18 years ago hasn't grown!

I was worried as my eye sight had deteriorated since last year, I can't see some fonts on my laptop, especially on some blogs, its very small.. So I enlarge it to read it by holding down the 'Ctrl key and tap the plus key and it enlarges that page. At night in our bedroom,  Dh has put a stronger bulb in my bedside lamp so that makes it easier,  and to read my Bible we have the over head light on.

I am having new prescription glasses to read better and in these same  frames as I really like them. So such a relief, I can sleep better tonight.



Poppypatchwork said...

Lovely tip, which I never knew.

diane b said...

So good to get good news.

Live and Learn said...

That is good news. I hope everything continues to remain stable.

Mari said...

That's good news!
I was just at the eye dr and had a good report too. :)

Marcia said...

👏. Always nice to get good news on body parts.

Marie Smith said...

Happy for you! Good news is such a relief!

Latane Barton said...

congrats on the great news at the eye doctor. I, too, have trouble with the small fonts some bloggers use. and I guess I am too lazy to enlarge the page. duh!

Chris said...

Do you need an eye test to keep driving? I just had to go through that this week but luckily passed! It's a test every two years after you turn 80 and also a cognitive test. so I am good until 2026.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Glad all is well with your eyes.