Friday 7 June 2024


My eldest son was born on this date, a Monday and the piped music in the hospital ward was The Mamas and Papas, singing 'Monday Monday!'
It was a hot Monday afternoon, and most of the maternity staff had gone for a tea break, the one midwife attending my 4 bedded ward was a tiny little 'girl' who didn't look like she had left school!
But she was calm and pleasant. 

I hadn't seen her before, these were the days where you didn't have a dedicated one midwife to care for you. I saw a different one each time I had a check up. No husband holding my hand, he was away with work. A school friend had driven me to the hospital and I think her old low lying mini car, bumping along the 4 miles aided my labour!! It was my second child.

When the midwife came to my bed, at about quarter to five, she examined me and asked did I think I was near to delivery. I nodded my head with clenched teeth and a groan.. so she said for me to walk with her to the delivery room. I swear to this day it was at least a mile to walk, although really only a couple of yards that I had to shuffle along!
She helped me up onto the delivery table and while she washed her hands, she kept up a running commentary of what she had just done in East Africa the previous week. She had only just returned and said she could deliver a baby in a field if called for.

I don't know if it was what she was saying, or her voice or her gentle hands, but I had complete confidence in her. And with her guiding me, Simon was born at 5 minutes past 5 on the 6th of June, 1966!

Of my four children he is the most caring and we talk every week. He was always there if I had a problem when his dad and I first divorced. This morning I phoned him singing Happy Birthday.. he was at a Racing Track doing his photography job..  he was with people, as he lives alone in Suffolk, and a colleague had bought him a coffee and a cake. I'm hoping in the winter months, when he has a lull in his work, he'll come to visit again. He is my son who had Crohns. We're very close and I miss him the most.
So Happy Birthday Si!



Joy said...

Happy Birthday to SImon. I hope he has a great time. xx

Mari said...

Happy Birthday to Simon! He sounds like a special guy.
Isn't it interesting how giving birth has changed over the years?
My SIL has Crohns too. He is doing well though, hope Simon is too.

Granny Sue said...

He sounds like a lovely man, Chris. Funny how back then our men were not usually involved in the delivery of our babies. Times have certainly changed.

Granny Sue said...
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Lynn and Precious said...

Sending Happy Birthday thoughts to this thoughtful son of yours!

Live and Learn said...

Happy Birthday to your son. I think every woman who has had a baby remembers the birth day like it was yesterday. I know I do.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Belated birthday wishes to Simon.
Lovely that you have such a great relationship between mum and son.