Thursday 20 June 2024


 Dh and I love to watch tennis, I never played as a child but had all the gear bought for me,  but I was too feeble to hit the ball hard enough.

But I love to watch it and so does Dh, so we were really sad to see that Andy had to pull out of his match at Queens yesterday. 

BUT then the BBC replayed the Jack Draper match against Mariana Navone 6-3: 6-2  What a match I think Jack is going to be the new Andy, an amazing serve and powerful player and as my friend in Scotland said, 'fit to go with it!' I think we're going to have many happy hours watching him play.

We're trying to get the garden right up to date so we can enjoy Wimbledon due to start July1st.. 
Last evening Dh got his bean sticks up and planted the beans, I had started on the window sills in the end bedroom.
When we went to buy new bean sticks, we couldn't get the really long ones that Dh wanted, so he ordered them on line. However. there was a delay in the delivery because they were too long for the delivery van!
So Dh is happy and we are both looking forward to many hours watching tennis, will we be shouting 'Come on Jack' like we have over the years for Andy, you bet your bottom dollar we will!

Can't wait, do you like watching tennis or are you like another friend of mine screaming when its Wimbledon, because the BBC has it live on both channels and then all the re-runs again in the evenings. Guess its a bit like marmite you either love it or hate it?



Tracy said...

Tennis is one of the very few sports that I can actually sit and watch. Most sport bores me to tears.

Sue in Suffolk said...


I agree about Jack Draper - seems very similar to Andy in many ways - just hope he can stay injury free now.
Sorry to see Dan Evans out injured and Cam didn't do very well getting knocked out early although no one is likely to win against Raonic serving a record number of aces - but then Raonic was knocked out by Taylor Fritz so was beatable.

I get all my work done early so I can watch all of Wimbledon right through!

diane b said...

I used to play tennis for years but I don't watch it very much just on the sports news. Hubby is not a fan. Glad you enjoy it.

jabblog said...

I used to enjoy watching tennis before the 'grunt' era, but have to turn off as soon as the awful noises start. Such a shame, because I love seeing athletes in action.

Traveller said...

I don’t mind a bit of tennis and am, therefore, grateful that with today’s streaming services there is always something else to watch.

Marmite, on the other hand, I love - especially on crumpets with some melted cheddar on top.

Mari said...

I'm not a tennis player or watcher. And can you believe that I don't know what marmite is? Guess I'm striking out today!

Marie Smith said...

Not a sports fan. I hate the tension of sports.

Live and Learn said...

I neither play nor watch tennis, but I can appreciate those who do. Enjoy your matches.

Jules said...

I'm not a fan of tennis, although I should be seeing as Lily has tennis lessons every week. I don't even understand how the scoring works.
Much like yourself, I could never manage to hit the ball hard enough when I had to play at school. X

Marcia said...

My father was a great tennis player. He gave it up and took up golf when he couldn't find anyone to play with. I played a bit when younger but no more. Tried pickle ball for awhile but have no one to play with here.

Never tried Marmite.

Granny Sue said...

I used to play tennis in high school, and then again in my late 30s in college. I loved it! Was pretty decent at it too, no superstar but solid. My partners and I were always the top team. I wish I had continued to play, but life got far too busy. I don't watch TV, but sure would watch this player.
And Marmite? Yuck. My mother loved it though. She was a war bride, from Cambridgeshire.

Sal said...

I love tennis! I played tennis for my school, usually doubles, and one day, we had a match against a school from Paignton and I looked up to see Sue Barker at the other end of the court! Everyone was talking about her and I think not long after that she turned pro.
I did win the tennis cup when I was in my final year at school…probably one of the few things I’ve ever won! As well as this, the school organised a trip to Wimbledon to see the women’s singles final and the men’s doubles final.
Roger Federer is my favourite ever player…oh and I love Marmite! 😁

Sooze said...

I absolutely loved tennis years ago when there were big personality players - Ilie Nastase, John McEnroe, Martina Navratilova, Goran Ivanisevic. I don't find it so interesting nowadays, it's all big ace serves and grunting.