Sunday 23 June 2024

Things happening....

 I'm very welsh or is it nosy? Yesterday morning we had 2 ambulances and an ambulance car in our road. It definitely needed an outside look, so I walked out onto our drive. Our next door neighbour has regular carers, so I presumed it was her that needed the ambulance. I was about to ask whether she was alright, but someone else, who had also come out asked and I heard that our neighbour Betty was ok.

Dh thought I was being nosy, but I put him right, this is Wales everyone comes out into the street to see stuff happening I told him!!

Years ago I was staying in my old home with my aunties and I was woken by my bedroom door opening. It was my aunt, urging me to get up and get on a dressing gown, as a fire engine had just gone past the house.

A house 12 doors up from us was on fire, the road was full of people all standing around in dressing gowns watching the firemen. The family were all out of the house and safe. As we stood there mugs of tea were being brought out! And as the jets of water were damping down the flames, people were cheering.. honestly would this happen anywhere else?

When we lived in Suffolk just 5 years ago, we were alarmed one night, when our lounge was suddenly lit up through a chink in the curtains. When we opened our front door a very large fire engine was there on the road with 4 very large spot lights shining on us and the 2 houses down the road from us. We could see flames coming out of the chimney of the second house. It seemed the man who lived there only had a fire to heat and cook in his Victorian terraced house and it had set the chimney on fire. Next door had been in bed but they both got up and were outside in dressing gowns too.. We all had a good 'ol chin wag, the most that had for weeks as we'd been isolating. Other neighbours were out on the road too, but no mugs of tea! Perhaps we should have made them!

When it appeared to be under control, we went to bed but then could hear men talking outside. We could see firemen walking up the long garden with torches checking the back of the house. It was all sorted and after a cuppa we went to bed.. from then on we called Alan, whose house chimney was on fire,  Smoky Joe! (Not to his face just Dh and I )

He used to buzz saw logs every Sunday morning.. our house was fine as we were detached but his immediate neighbour had a fire barrier put in their loft, because although there wasn't any fire damage, they said they had a lot of smoke in their upstairs.

So nosy people are all over, not just the welsh!

Would you go out to see if there was something happening on your road?



Jules said...

I loved reading this. I think most people would also be desperate to know what was going on. Xx

Meanqueen said...

Yes, I would. Someone may need help. We had three fire engines in our street a while ago. I went out to have a look. Not a fire, but a cat stuck on a roof. It was interesting to watch six people rescue it.

Marcia said...

Of course. And when the ambulance came here when I had a fall in March, all the neighbors knew about it and asked me if I was ok when they next saw me. I was but needed the hospital to tell me so.

Marie Smith said...

If there was a fire I’d be out there too. Usually I don’t go to the window. I don’t need to though, my husband has that covered.

Lynn and Precious said...

Yes. JUst last summer we had 2 ambulances and 2 sheriff cars just 3 doors down. I stood at the end of the drive to see if anyone was wheeled out. Then 1 hr. later as the last sheriff started to drive away, I flagged him down. They had been here for so long. He said the neighborhood was fine, but there were 3 cows on the loose. We have no cows for miles from here. They did indeed pass thru my front yard an hour later. Glad I saw it all.

Live and Learn said...

I think it's normal to know what's going on. I definitely go to the window when I hear sirens. And years ago, when a house two down from ours caught fire, the whole neighborhood was out.

Mari said...

I sure would! I think in neighborhoods we might be nosy, but we care about those people too! :)

Gill said...

Of course I would. A) To see what was happening and B) To see if I could help. In our little cul de sac we help each other out, putting bins out, keeping spare keys and feeding animals if people are on holiday. Thats what neighbours are for.

Sue said...

Absolutely, both Dh and I both would go out to see what was happening! Happy all turned out well.
Thanks for sharing.

Joy said...

Human nature . . . we all like to know what's going on and maybe it is a sign of an unhealthy society if people are too afraid to try and find out. xx

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I think it is only natural to want to know what's going on in your immediate neighbourhood. If you don't show an interest how can you be of help.

Granny Sue said...

Yes, for sure. There are very few houses here, and far between them. We know every single person within about 4 miles, so we would be concerned.