Saturday 29 June 2024

Did you see the hedgehog?

 I did my usual 2 o'clock in the morning loo break, but saw all the hall, passage way and lounge lights on.. Dh was up, not at all usual.  I thought he was outside in the back garden looking to see if he could see the hedgehog, that is visiting our garden. Then he came in through the front door!

When I asked him if he had seen ir, I realised there was a lot of noise from next door, which is extraordinary as we're all detached and they're quite a distance from us.

'No, I did not see the hedgehog, I've been round to next door, to ask are they mad its 2 o'clock in the morning and they're playing Abba, at top volume, not even decent music!' The parents weren't there but the daughter and 3 friends had the large sliding doors open and were dancing outside, music blaring!

He didn't say anything else he said, because his throat was dry.. his tablets side effect!  

So we're up drinking tea and eating toast and I've an early hair appointment! Hope I'll wake..I expect I will, my bladder doesn't let me sleep late!



Joy said...

Oh, a home alone party!! I 'enjoyed' a few of those in past decades. One of the times I was glad for poor hearing but poor hearing doesn't stop the vibrations!

They just don't think, do they? xx

Lynn and Precious said...

Seeing a quiet hedgehog would have been much better than having to police noisy children while their parents are off playing somewhere. Maybe you can get a nap while your hair is being rinsed or if you are under the hair dryer.

Live and Learn said...

I would have been really irritated with the noise because I don't do well without sleep.

Marie Smith said...

Young people can be inconsiderate sometimes. Hope you both got some sleep afterwards.

Granny Sue said...

I hope they turned it down! Good grief. Tea and toast sounds nice, but not at 2am. I hope you woke in time for your appointment.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

What on earth were they thinking... then again!!
Very inconsiderate of your neighbours I hope they did turn things down so that you could get some sleep.