Thursday 18 July 2024

Will they be an asset?

It seems that there have been 1428 people crossing the 21 mile channel since the Labour Government took power. What is so appealing to people to come here? If you think its the benefits they'll get, you're wrong. They get very little, around about £300 a month and often housed in old army huts or blocks of flats. They may also get child benefits and free school dinners, but not a fortune, not luxury by any means.. to the argument they are fearing the regime of their 'home' country, if that's the case why not choose one of the other countries in Europe? No, they want to come here to UK, why?

When I was teaching, one year, we had an all counties conference about Travelers, who were flooding the area of Essex where I taught. One school was having very big problems keeping regular staff, because of the problems caused by traveler children, 80% of the children were travelers. I've taught traveler children age 7,  they were well below the levels in English and Maths.

And yet later on in my teaching, I worked in a school where there was a large number of Fair Ground owner's children. They weren't easy, nor were their parents!

But going back to immigrants, I'd teach those any day over, traveler or fair ground children. Immigrant children want to learn, they want to succeed and so do their parents want that, for them. 

Having spent a lot of time in hospital (4 different ones )with my broken arm, the ward staff were mostly immigrants, the assistant nurses were mostly Eastern European, ok not illegal, but they wanted to come here to work. They were amazing, working hard and nothing was too much trouble. Although, the young lady serving the breakfasts just didn't understand de-caff tea and I had coffee, but Dh saved the day, bringing me one from the Costa stall! But they worked hard and were happy in their work.

So what to do? The present Government has scrapped the Rwanda plan and say they will divert the £75 million from this, to enhance the Border Security Command to put in place the immigration plan. What is it? I haven't read anything they want to do .... yet! 

 It's a problem, are they over burdening our all ready struggling NHS, housing, schools, etc?  But its so sad that people are willing to pay thousands and face an unsafe crossing to come here.. should we be worried about these people, are they taking benefits or jobs from UK residents, or are they an asset? 



diane b said...

An interesting post and a difficult problem to solve humanly.

Meanqueen said...

You are asking a lot of questions here, quite rightly so, but I don't think you will get many answers. People are afraid to comment in case they are seen as racist. It is a delicate subject. In my opinion it is not about being racist at all. There is a much wider agenda which encompasses the whole world. Moving large amounts of people halfway around the globe is funded by corruption. Broadly it's about transfer of wealth. Governments are guilty of people trafficking, and they will lie over and over again to bring about the demographic changes they are working towards. Briefly, The UK Government are part of a big plan, they are following orders.

Live and Learn said...

It's a complex issue that we are struggling with here in the US. I don't know what the answer is, but I feel incredibly grateful that I was born in a place that I don't want to flee from.

Marie Smith said...

Much of our society here wouldn’t be able to function now without immigrants. They have arrived legally. The problem is we don’t have enough housing and our medical care system was already struggling. Our provincial government, which had our doors wide open has had to close them somewhat to allow housing etc to catch up. Construction is booming. It is hard to believe we will have enough people to fill all the housing units under construction. The medical system will never catch up I fear!

My ancestors were immigrants to North America from England, Ireland and Scotland. They needed a start here too and worked hard. Welcome to these new arrivals!

Andrea said...

Here, I don't think anyone minds immigrants that come over legally. If they don't come over legally, they are already law-breakers. Most Americans are immigrants originally. My grandparents came from Europe. More recently, some of my kids' parent-in-laws are, legally. There are proper channels for this. andrea

Will said...

Australia dealt with a similar boat immigrant people problem a few years ago by simply refusing to allow any of the people to land on Australian soil, they were turned back to where they came from. Within months the crossings stopped, as there was no longer any money in it for the people smugglers.

Marcia said...

Throughout history and prehistory humans have been on the move. It's a fact of life - seeking a better place compared to where they are at present. My ancestors left Switzerland because of religious persecution and arrived in America in the early 1700s. Instead of thinking of immigrants as a burden, think of them as a strengthening of the present population. After all you met some of them in hospital and they cared for you.

Tasker Dunham said...

My view is that it is irrelevant whether they are an asset or not. The country is full. We have plenty of assets not properly being used. Just as we would have difficulty getting permission to work in many other countries, why should we allow more to come here? Perhaps not the expected opinion of basically a left-leaning person.

Anonymous said...

I worked housing illegal immigrants from 2000 to 2003, most came in lorries back then.

The first few we housed (blocks of flats, fully kitted out with everything they needed) were genuine asylum seekers.

They used to show us where they'd been tortured or shot. But within months it became more than obvious that those now arriving weren't asylum seekers but economic migrants with large expectations of what the great British public were prepared to give them.

One day, one of them walked into reception and said "I vant an ook, I vant an ook" I looked at him puzzled and he said "I vant an ook for my tea towel".......that was the level of expectation that he had.

We were a cash strapped Council with thousands of hard working British people on our lists desperate for a property and he thought we were going to rock up and put a hook up for his teatowel! They had been given everything in the flat, beds, bedding, pots and pans, a tv etc. They didn't have to pay for heating neither.

He was bluntly told to go to Wilko's and buy his own 'ook. He looked so stunned that we weren't prepared to give it him and said in a high pitched voice "me, me buy".
I said "yes, you buy an ook and put it up yourself, because the council isn't going to do it for you."

So, I'm sorry but I disagree, they do come for the benefits, housing, education for the children and the nhs. It's an easier life here than where they've come from and in Europe.

I do agree with you about travellers though. Awful people, but the true gypsies that used to turn up on one of our derelict sites always left their rubbish bagged up and the site tidy. Perhaps it was because he was the self proclaimed King of the gypsies, they were always clean and, it was the closest I've ever got to royalty
Take care, Anne

Bless said...

It's a big issue in the US, too. Everyone is looking for that proverbial "better" life. As an immigrant, myself, I understand that motivating factor.