Friday 5 July 2024

When in doubt both feet out!

 That was what my driving instructor said to me many many years ago.... brake!! Now I apply that to all life situations.

So...yesterday after another night awake worrying, I spent the morning on the phone.

First to a gardener, a young woman who we had agreed to come and help us in the garden to do some weeding.  I tried to look her up on FB but she wasn't there, no web page either,  so no portfolio to look at.. Was she qualified, was she experienced, was she ok? Anyway she assured me she knew what she was doing.. and as Dh said, what's the worst she could do? If she digs up a plant, we'll buy another one.

Then the Drs,, I had an appointment on 18th July with a Dr who's name I didn't recognize.. so phoned to ask who was she, how long had she been at the surgery. It seems she's been there a year, but her name was not on the list on the surgery web site. She is a Registrar getting in some practice to be a GP.. I stated I wasn't happy and would rather have a regular Dr. At 81 with a chronic urinary condition I want someone, who actually knows about me. So now have an appointment today with a Dr I've spoken to on the phone.

Then the most difficult phone call. I'm not that happy with this electric chair..the seat is too hard, if I lift up my legs with the lift up bit, my carves are resting flat on it, so could I get a DVT? And the controls are on the right side where my duff arm is, so proving difficult, but evidently I could have had them on the left, if an engineer came out to see it. I listened quietly while she went through her sales talk, but I held fast to, I would like my money back £1608.15.Yes I can, minus £60 collection charge.. 

After all that I was exhausted, I'd only had 5 hours sleep, and broken at that so not a proper sleep.

We wait and see what happens with the chair, but a weight has been lifted off my mind.



Mari said...

It's hard to make those types of calls, but such a relief when it's done.

KirstenM said...

Well done you!

Marie Smith said...

It is amazing how things can play on our minds and keep us from a good nights sleep. Good luck with the doctor!

Lynn and Precious said...

I certainly hope for that price of the chair they will take it back for a resupply charge only. It is too bad it is not what you had planned for on comfort or the controls.
When we go to a doctor, of course we want a qualified and concerned physician. I hope
when you see this one, you will feel comfortable in their care.

Live and Learn said...

Sounds like a day of phone calls and frustrations. However, it sounds like your persistence paid off. Hope tonight is a better night of sleep for you.

Joy said...

Good for you! Life can be very worrying at times, can't it? xx

Liz Hinds said...

I would have got Husband to make that phone call. Well done!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Good for you sticking to your guns about the chair. No amount of sales patter was going to change things for the better.I hope you find a chair that is right for you soon.