Tuesday 9 July 2024

A Senior Moment or a Biden?

 Yesterday I sat outside in the garden just 'wool gathering.' I needed the quiet, the sunshine and the flowers. So many blessings but sometimes I allow memories to cloud my thoughts. And then I gaze out at our garden and my mind is quietened. 

Often when Dh and I are chatting, if we forget the word we want, we used to say a 'Senior moment.' A 'saying' first said by lovely Terry Wogan, when you forget a word. I used to listen to his morning programme driving to work each morning. He was such a lovely man and I loved to listen his chat and got used to his sayings. And he introduced me to Alison Krauss and I loved her song, 'Now that I've found you.' My daughter played this so often, that my Grand daughter at age 3 could sing this all the way through!
And of course Eva Cassidy's 'Over the Rainbow,' But I digress, is forgetting a word, just a Senior moment? I hope so, although its said if you know you've forgotten a word, you haven't got Alzheimer's.

But having seen Biden's disastrous speech, when he seemed to forget the whole sentence and talked, 'salad.' That was awful. I hadn't heard of this saying so looked it up. 
'Word Salad,' ....When a person is unable to organize their thoughts into coherent sentences or phrases. And that was certainly true of Biden. It was agonizing to watch as his mouth moved, but nothing of any sense came out! If only he covered up his confusion by saying something like, 'too tired to think straight at the moment, give me a second, while I gather my thoughts'  it wouldn't have been so bad.

So now Dh and I say 'Senior moment' or is it a 'Biden'? When we can't think of the word.

I once forgot the word, 'sun dial.' looked it up on the internet and haven't forgotten it since. I searched for.... garden ornament that can tell the time by a shadow!!
Do you have those 'senior moments?'



Deanna said...

Yes. I have really big senior moments. For now I can laugh about it. Hope it stays that way. grins. ~d

Tracy said...

Oh yes. Ever since the menopause. My husband does too, but he can't blame it on that!

jabblog said...

I think we all have those moments. Too many excuses for Biden - blaming it on jet lag from days ago, really!

Live and Learn said...

I definitely have those moments. Like everyone else, I hope they don't progress into dementia. Both of my parents had it.

Marie Smith said...

I couldn’t watch Biden that night. So sad. I fear for the world!

Lynn and Precious said...

I do! And I get so aggravated at myself as I know that I know that I know!
But sometimes the word is just gone temporarily. And when I do remember, I feel
so silly.

Mari said...

Yes, it happens to us all I think!
The debate was awful. I think it's so sad that his family is pushing for him to run when there is obviously a problem.

16 blessings'mom said...

I guess I'm not the only one having Biden Moments, and here I thought I coined the phrase! I honestly feel sorry for him, his wife needs a good kick in the pants for pushing him to continue. If she loved him, she would turn him gently towards retirement, so he could live out his years without all that pressure to remember when to leave, how to navigate stairs, and whom to shake hands with. I don't care for his policies at all, but I still feel sorry for him...he's not running the country, so who is?

Joy said...

Oh goodness, I get them too - how nice that if you know you've forgotten a work, it can't be dementia. I hope that's right.
I had to look up 'green cauliflower' once because I had forgotten 'broccoli'. xx

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Yes I have those moments sometimes as well. And the word you want is always on the tip of the tongue but just not quite within reach. At least it is for me.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog