Sunday 7 July 2024

What happened next...

 .... the Dr I saw lovely, very understanding she has given me different tabs to see how that goes. She listened without saying anything. I had said I was desperate to have a full nights sleep instead of this having to get up every 2 hours for the loo. I explained I am so desperate, I'm happy to pay to have my bladder removed and a bag. She thought that was a bit extreme and there could be too many complications. But I came away feeling I had been listened to and a date booked for a further appointment. And I had a carrier bag of stuff, tabs, creams, and wash solution.. And she queried my age! I did say I may not look it, but I certainly feel it!

The young gardener girl did a super job, and well worth the money. We have 2 flower beds weed free and the soil looks nicely turned over. We've been out to buy some compost to top dress the one bed, which is like sand. So I'm very happy and will have her again.

The Chair.

Dh and I talked and talked about it.. I had been to other show rooms, I had 3 other catalogues and talked with sales people on the phone. This has been onward going since last summer. So I tried a cushion on the seat and  then all the controls in different positions to find the most comfortable position for me. The thought of going to yet more showrooms  etc is just toooo much.. So with careful consideration I decided I'd keep it, but have the controls on the other side. Ha ha ......£60 for an engineer to come and change it, even though I argued that it should have been changed over for me, as I had said in the show room I had a duff right arm.. So Dh has stretched the curly cable and we (probably me ) will sew a ring or something to stop the controls falling down where I can't reach it. And it's been fine, I'm using my old stool and its working ok for me, with my feet on it. It wasn't easy to decide this, but I do have to have a chair, although the new M&S arm chair is comfy too, my head isn't supported like The Chair!

But I needed to air my misgivings and talk it through, as we all do at times! What do you think?



Live and Learn said...

I would probably do what you did and keep the chair. It's hard shopping for furniture, and I wouldn't want to go through that again. I might try to press to get a discount on the control changeover, but be okay if they said no. However, my husband would never try that. He hates negotiating with salespeople.
I'm glad you felt heard at your doctor's appointment. I know all too well the symptoms you are talking about, and they really wear you down.

Joy said...

I agree, I think talking things through really helps and I'm glad you had people who were willing to listen. xx

Tracy said...

If you can get it to work for you it would save more upheaval. I agree with you though, that they should have got the control sorted for you, since you mentioned your weakness. Not exactly great customer service!

Lynn and Precious said...

Good news on the gardening young woman. And I do hope you can get the bladder issues worked out better and with great relief.
Some times the mother of invention is a great way to go. Furniture shopping is such a huge deal to take on and at a point we all get tired of the looking and the listening to sales people. I think you may find your option of keeping the chair work out to your advantage.

Marie Smith said...

If you are happy with the chair you “ settled on” is all that matters in the end.

It is good the young gardener worked out so well.

Mari said...

It's so good to have a doctor that listens! I hope her plan works for you.
I think your chair plan is a good one. I agree, they should have done that in the first place, but I think it's worth it to pay, to not have to start all over on the search.

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased the gardener worked out well, and good that the Doctor listened, very encouraging.

All the best Jan

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

I'm pleased that this Dr seemed to really listen to you and the real concerns you have. I hope things work out this time.
Your gardening young lady sounds like a hard working individual who gives very good service.
I'm glad that you have been able to find a way to make the chair more comfortable for you.