Tuesday 16 July 2024

Was it good or bad??

 Yes this is our Fuzzypeg, at about 8:15 pm in the rain rooting around in the split bird seed, not where he usually mooches!  We hadn't put out the food, because he doesn't usually arrive till 9.. so such a surprise to see him. And he then disappeared under the fence, a hole left for a hedgehog pathway, long before we knew we had a visiting hedgehog. So Dh nipped out and put out his food, then when we looked 15mins later, the food had gone!

But my post isn't about him but this little b*****r who went down inside my loose cotton dress yesterday and decided my plump body was tasty!

I have bites on my back, belly, bum and top of my left leg! I didn't feel the  bites when they happened,  but ouch are they itching! We were awake at 5 and Dh was putting the cream on my back!
We had the gardener coming again at 9, so although we went back to bed, I slept fitfully.
Then I sat all day with bags of ice in various places on my body keeping the bites cool so I'm not tempted to scratch.. but I want to!
Gosh the bites do itch something awful.
So a bad day, but the gardener made a very good job of the weeding and the garden is looking good. And Fuzzypeg is lovely, he looked right up at us, you could see his little black nose and eyes!



  1. We too have hedgehogs visiting in the evening and throughout the night. It’s always exciting to watch them when we put out the camera..and heartening to think that they are still around.

    I hope that you will soon get relief from your bites! It can be excruciating when that happens! 😁

  2. Insect bites are so irritating and the urge to scratch lasts an inordinately long time. Good luck with resisting.

  3. Bites that itch are so hard to deal with! Hope they are quickly gone.
    I love that your little hedgehog friend visits daily!

  4. Sorry about the bug bites. They are aggravating. I have a few mosquito bites from out
    when I clean the bird baths.

  5. Itching is the worst! I hope it dies down soon.

  6. Oh, I'm sorry! So awful! Hope you are better soon. andrea

  7. I just love hedgehogs! But definitely not biting insects. The itching drives me crazy, hope the itch eases!

  8. I can't remember the last time I saw a hedgehog. I'm also very tasty to insects, I had 2 on my leg a couple of weeks ago and the urge to scratch was almost overwhelming. I did manage to resist though - I know they'll only get worse if I give in!

  9. I'm a mosquito magnet, so I understand your distress. Hope the issue clears up soon.

  10. I seem to attract those nasty little biting pests as well. I have had some very bad bites this year the size of a 10p and of course very itchy. Hope your itchy spots calm down and heal up quickly. Take care x


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