Monday 15 July 2024

A family tradition.

 We are Sunday dinner people, regardless of the summer weather , we have to have our Sunday dinner.

Yesterday we had Welsh shoulder of lamb with cabbage, sprouting broccoli, carrots, new potatoes and mint sauce and all that veg was from our own little veg patch. (Sorry no pics of the dinner) It was absolutely delicious, we ate silently savouring every bite.

One of the first photos of Dh digging that patch in March 2022, it's grown a bit bigger since then.

At the moment we have the runner beans starting to grow on the new bamboo canes, especially bought this year, extra long so there was a problem getting them delivered, as the vans weren't long enough for the sticks! Along side the beans, we have cabbage, sprouting broccoli, carrots, lettuce, radish and shallots, the garlic did well this year too. The potatoes are grown in bags and I grow tomatoes in pots. All are looking very healthy at the moment, watered and fed regularly. We have an abundance of herbs all grown in a large pot and large clumps of parsley dotted around the garden.

We have tried not having a dinner in very hot weather, but missed it so badly we had one on the Monday, but it wasn't the same. Before I met Dh, my Sunday routine never altered, as soon as I arrived home from church, the oven went on and I cooked myself a dinner. 

My daughter and family often came, it was traditional. My granddaughter as small child would often come in through the front door, saying, 'Oooo Sunday dinner smells' she loved gravy!

Once when I drove to them for Sunday dinner, when she was a lot older and was the cook that day, she greeted me with, 'Good you're here, can you make the gravy please Grandma?'

It was always a family tradition, while other houses around us were BBQ-ing, we had our Sunday dinner, meat and vegetables and thick gravy!

What about you, do you have a Sunday dinner?



  1. Because Sunday was always such a busy day for us, before retirement, it took a lot of planning. But sitting together for a "proper" family meal after church was always important. Yesterday we were both out leading worship. But for lunch we ate the last portion of savoury mince I'd made earlier in the week. It was accompanied by potatoes, beans, spinach and courgettes which were all homegrown. That was exciting. Botmy daughters make brilliant roast dinners.

  2. I love a roast dinner, I really do. It's really pretty easy once the timings are sorted out and yours, with fresh produce from the garden, sounds amazing. xx

  3. We always used to have a roast Sunday dinner, not so much now. When we do have one, husband has the meat and I have either homemade nut roast, or just the veggies, as I'm now vegetarian. It still feels slightly odd though when we don't have a roast dinner.

  4. We don't eat traditionally and don't have three meals a day. A heavy meal in the middle of the day doesn't suit us and makes us sleepy. I do like a roast meal occasionally - our Christmas dinner, when we have one, is eaten around 4.00 in the afternoon.

  5. I grew up having Sunday dinner, but then as a nurse I had to work every other weekend so we started just having a nice meal on another night. I should do it now that I don't work weekends though. It's a nice tradition!

  6. I have been making spaghetti and meatballs with backed yams for years now on Sunday.
    It is the only easy on me meal I make all week. The rest of the days I spend too much time cooking, lol. I used to do potatoes in bags here. The deer do not eat them thank goodness, however they take so very much water for the results that I am not doing them this year. Your veggie garden sounds wonderful.

  7. What a lovely tradition you have for Sunday dinner. When I was growing up, we had a Sunday dinner after church much like yours. I don't have that tradition anymore for various reasons, one of which is that I have to work some Sundays.

  8. No, we don't have a traditional Sunday dinner here but we do all eat together at the dinner table. That's not to say I don't enjoy a roast though, just not every Sunday :-)

  9. I always cook Sunday lunch and have done since leaving home 47 years ago. I alternate between Beef, Chicken and Pork, always roast potatoes and 3 seasonal vegetable. Fresh peas straight from the pod are my favourite. Lunch is served at 1.00p.m and my 94 year old Father joins us. He loves his lunch and I always do a dessert, which I don't do any other day....just to make it different and special.
    I find a roast lunch the easiest meal to cook, put the meat in, prepare the veg and then just leave it until it is time to cook the veg and make the gravy.
    The table is laid with a cloth and napkins.
    A good opportunity to catch up and put the world to right. Sunday wouldn't be Sunday without a roast lunch!

  10. As it happens we are having Sunday dinner this evening! Sadly not home-grown veg though. I do love a bit of Welsh lamb.

  11. Sunday dinner is our tradition. It was standard in Newfoundland where we grew up!

  12. If it's just the two of us we enjoy Sunday dinner in the evening.

    If it's a family get-together then it's a lunch time gathering.

    You can't beat a yummy roast dinner though :)

    All the best Jan

  13. You can't beat a Sunday roast. We used to have one every Sunday but in recent years have got out of the habit. How lovely that you can enjoy your very own homegrown veggies, now we have the allotment i'm hoping that we will be able to say that all the veg on our Christmas dinner is homegrown.

  14. Not any more. We just have a snack lunch and something a bit more substantial in the evening. I do miss my Sunday roast though, with gravy and all the veges. I always order a roast if we're at a pub for a meal. Not quite the same though.

  15. When the children were still all at home I'd put Sunday dinner in the oven before church so it would be done when we came back. Only, one Sunday the oven went on to Self Clean cycle which got so hot the casserole broke and dinner ham was cremated.
    Nowadays I don't bother with meals on Sunday. We just snack away.


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