Wednesday 17 July 2024


 I itched off and on for part of yesterday, although I did have some respite for a couple of hours. Dh streamed cold water down my back, which is the worst area with 5 bites! Why didn't I feel getting bitten?

Anyway cooling my back worked and then with anti-histamine cream I had total relief all afternoon.

I was then able to clean the bathroom, and tidy the bedroom. I don't have a 'chair-robe' any more. All clothes sorted either, hung up, in the washing basket and some... drum roll a bag for a charity shop! 

Later in the garden we cut out the wild rose sent to me instead of  the climbing rose Starlight Symphony I sent for.... its a year since I ordered it and its taken several months to convince them the rose wasn't right, even with photographs. Then we dead headed the roses, I cut back the spent lupins, the aquilegia and took out the tomato side shoots. And that was that, one of the benefits of having gardener, we just did the easy jobs. I did hoe the top of the fence garden, where some small weeds were showing growth, I do love hoeing weeds to death!

I slept quite well in spite of the bites, so I hope I will to tonight. Dh is going to cool my back down again and then the put on the cream, so I hope for a good sleep tonight too, I really do! Who'd believe itching could be so awful.

Dh has been on line buying dishes for the hedgehog food! Because we only had a plastic tub and as you can see he tips it up!


Isn't he a cutie?


  1. It's such a terrible feeling when you can't get any relief from the itching. I can react quite badly to bites, I seem to be allergic in some cases. I remember getting bitten at the side of my eye on holiday one year, my eye closed up, it looked as though I'd been in the boxing ring!

  2. Fly bites this time of year drive me to distraction. It feels like I’m on fire. I have yet to fine something that helps.

  3. The hedge hog is cute. Does he eat any of your plants? We have groundhogs that eat a lot of things we don't want them to.

  4. Oh I suffer dreadfully too. I've discovered a cool shower before bed helps. I have a piezo zapper which I use on bites. And if I have a lot,I take a one a day histamine tablet. Hope yours ease up soon

  5. You did a lot of garden work inspite of the itchies. Hedgehog looks so cute.

  6. I hope the itching is better today! I had hives a few times and nearly went crazy.
    The hedgehog is the cutest!

  7. I never realized that cold compresses or cold water would lessen the itching. I'll try that next time I need it.


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