Friday 12 July 2024


 End of Summer is a Swedish drama (BBC 4) and if you can cope with subtitles is an excellent watch, to be honest you don't really notice them after a while.

Its a griping story of a young woman, Vera who is a therapist in a group of people who are trying to cope with the loss of someone.

20 years previously her 5 year old brother, Billy disappears.  A  hauntingly familiar young man joins her group, which forces her to unravel the truth about her brothers disappearance.

It is such a good story and I defy anyone to guess the ending.

Well worth the watch.



jabblog said...

Thank you for the recommendation - I will take a look:-)

Mari said...

Sounds good, I'll have to look it up.

Marie Smith said...

Sounds intriguing! Will look for it.

Granny Sue said...

Sounds like something I would enjoy. Will have to wait for the DVD. Thanks for the recommendation!