Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Saga of Fuzzypeg

 The first time we knew we had a hedgehog in our garden was last year in September. We had popped Nell out for her last wee and we heard her yelp and we saw the little fellow running away. We didn't put out any food then, as with having a dog, she'd have eaten it. But we continued to see the little poos around the garden.

Then a few weeks ago this year, we saw him/her and put out cat food in saucers, they tipped up when he walked over them! We started researching hedgehogs and then bought hedgehog food and two little dishes. When we put it out that first evening, we didn't think he was  coming, but 9:30 he arrived and ate the food. We were like little children smiling and giggling as we watched.

This was a book I had as a child, written by Alison Uttley (1884-1976) She wrote over 100 books, and  in the series of 'Little Grey Rabbit' introduced Fuzzypeg, a little hedgehog. I loved it and had another one too, where he goes to school, so hence the name.

Of course now we have seen another one as well as Fuzzypeg. So last night we put out 2 lots of food, one lot in the usual place on the patio where we can see him easily, and the other half was up the garden. It was gone 9 and no Fuzzypeg on the patio, but then we saw one eating the food in the middle of the garden, was it Fuzzypeg? It was too far away so we couldn't really judge the size, then another one arrived, and he was bigger and they both shared the food! So we're calling the second one Draenog, which is Welsh for hedgehog (pronounced Dray-nog)
Draenog, decided he'd had enough and came down to the patio, but missed the dish of food and went into flower bed and we watched him make his way alongside the fence, to the bit where there is a hole under it and off he went. Fuzzypeg did the same and he too missed the dish of food and went off under the fence.
The dish was licked clean looking the next morning!
So Dh is putting out 2 lots of food, they're a hungry pair, but so lovely to watch and you can hear them munching.

ps, Blood test was fine.


  1. Glad blood test OK.
    I love the LGR stories too, I have a few of the books which I read to my grandchildren

  2. I loved the Little Grey Rabbit stories. xx

  3. I wonder if they're a pair and there will eventually be hoglets. Exciting!

  4. Double the fun with two to feed and watch.

  5. It must be fun to hear the crunch as well as watch them.

  6. I think this is so fun. Wish we had some in our garden!
    Glad the bloodwork went ok.

  7. How wonderful to have TWO hedgehogs! I think I mentioned before, I've not been lucky enough to see one for years - nor a badger, come to that (other than dead ones on the roadside).

  8. What fun it must be to watch them! What do they eat?

  9. What fun to have hedgehogs coming to your yard and being able to watch them eat the food you set out. No hedgehogs in Canada unfortunately :(


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