Wednesday 24 July 2024



I'm feeling every day of my life today, not that I did anything fantastically energetic yesterday, just old! Do you get those days when just showering and getting dressed is like you've climbed a mountain?
Yesterday we went to one of those stores that are planned so you have to walk a mile just to find the cash desk... and the very aisle we needed with the cushions had a couple of people debating the colours standing bang in the middle. It meant I had to walk all around the shelves to get to the other end of it.. And then what we wanted was on another floor, the stairs were right there, but the lift was hidden somewhere around the back end of the stairs more walking.
When we eventually came out I thought I'd walked a mile, probably it was half a mile, up and down, up and down, up and down those aisles! I felt shattered by the time we got back to the car.
I need to do some exercises but perhaps not running. Is it an age thing?



  1. Definitely an age thing - don't worry!
    if I have a busy day now I build in a pottering one the next day, one where I can sit down and maybe nap every few hours.
    I didn't ask to be old, it just crept up once!

  2. Walking around stores is much harder than walking in the country or along the sea front. It's stopping and starting that's so tiring.

  3. In the heat of the summer or the bitter cold of the winter, I do get a bit of
    aggravating exercise in a large store. Not always the most pleasant of places
    but temperature control for sure.

  4. I know the feeling. I'm headed back to the doctor tomorrow to find out why my hips still hurt. Cortizone shots a couple of months ago heped the bursitis in the hips but this other pain has continued.

  5. We have tried biking again the last few days and I am wiped out afterward. Aging is not for the faint of heart.

  6. Yes, busy days do take it out of me much more nowadays, meaning I have to have a day or two of not doing much or I'll be fit for nothing. If you're talking about that Swedish store - although I do like their range of kitchen stuff, and we have a sofa of theirs in our caravan, the shop itself annoys me - having to walk around and around just to get to the one thing you want!

  7. It must have been Home Bargains. They position the shelving so you have to follow the aisle around the outside first, then look for the department you need. Takes ages. I sometimes go against the flow and enter by the cash desks at the exit.

  8. Reminds me of visiting IKEA stores, once you start, you have to follow the trail right through to get out again.

  9. I avoid big stores as much as possible. They just kill my hips and feet. Not to mention my bad knee. Concrete is not my friend either.

  10. On the rare occasions I go shopping, I find it exhausting. I would much rather go for a walk. I hope you're feeling better today. Xx

  11. Phew - what a marathon!!
    I'm still enjoying my fitness classes very much - I don't have huge amounts of longer term stamina but I'm quite strong for my age, I think. It feels good anyway and I'm making the most of it while I still have it! xx

  12. When you have to get a workout just to go shopping - oh boy! I guess I would have been happy to get my steps in:) Here's to chance to put your feet a bit over the weekend - lol!!

  13. Therasia Fraire26 July 2024 at 03:54

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