Sunday 21 July 2024

After the sun came the rain...

 Saturday, our town had a Police day with an exhibition and fun day about the early police force here.

Held in the old police station, which is a museum now. Can't say I've seen these, but evidently there are some on the front prom in an evening, during the summer season.

The rain didn't arrive till lunch time, but this morning stepping outside was like stepping out of a plane in a hot country. The humidity was over whelming, I was off to have my hair cut and styled, so I'm tidy now.

You could practically hear the garden sucking up the rain. With sandy soil, our garden gets very dry, but it was so needed, we watched from inside and cheered!

We had quite a surprise last evening, Fuzzypeg didn't arrived till gone 9, then he dived into the dish of food. He eats with one foot in the dish and as we watched him. another much larger hedgehog arrived|! Fuzzypeg turned to face him and the second hedgehog disappeared back in to the shrubs. 
He was a lot larger than our little Fuzzypeg, so is he a parent one? We're waiting to see what happens next.



  1. Before you know it, you’ll have the whole family visiting!

  2. I hope the rain brought a decrease in humidity!
    Well, that's an interesting development in the hedgehog world!

  3. Fuzzypeg suspense! We are praying for rain here tomorrow.

  4. So glad you got rain! We are hoping for some tomorrow. I like the name of your garden visitor!

  5. Last several days have been typical New England temps: warm during the day and cool at night. No hedgehogs here to keep an eye on. It's the antics of the hummingbird that catch our interest.

  6. I wish I could see a hedgehog. They are just the cutest and I've never seen one in person

  7. Hmm I wonder who the second hedghog was -friend or foe. I look forward to the next chapter of
    Fuzzypeg's adventures in your garden. Very cute that he holds the bowl with one foot.

  8. Rain is good when its warm but not when windy and cold. You have a hedgehog visit! wow! That's amazing.


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