Saturday 20 July 2024

Cat stopped traffic!

 Friday is our SW weighing day (Slimming world.) Both Dh and myself gained half a pound, we think although we kept to plan, we ate too much with our sedentary week. My itchy disturbed nights meant dozy days, so no walking! But hey ho, that's only 8 ounces, and we can cope with that. Dh thinks he might have eaten some extras, when he was alone in the kitchen, or hidden in the pantry! What??

After the meeting we drove into town to buy some more anti-histamine cream and insect repellent. But there was a huge queue going into the town car park and we thought it was a big mistake, especially as the queue didn't seem  to be moving. Eventually we inched into the car park, only to discover why there was a queue, there was a cat stretched out in the sunshine and blocking the entrance! No one had attempted to move it, but were curving round it.. Fortunately as we approached it got up, twirled round and lay down again, but not bang in the middle of the entrance. 

Gosh it was hot, 25.2°C but with windows open there was a slight breeze in the Scout hut. We chatted to Fran who has the coffee unit on West End Ave, which is the promenade. She comes to SW, so knows those of us who buy a coffee from her and maybe a biscuit or even an ice cream, but she never tells! She was saying with this hot spell of weather, she was still serving coffee and cakes Thursday evening, as late as 9 pm as there were so many people still walking around in the late sunshine.

Town was buzzing, the sunshine had brought out the people, the veg shops had their stalls out on the pavements and the lovely flower shop too. There was a singer serenading and he was good, a real holiday atmosphere. 

So we start the food plan again in this new week, but with the sunshine we sort of feel we're on holiday, and that's dangerous for dieters, because being in the holiday mode means fish n chips and ice cream! I will be saying every morning, ' Today I'm on plan!' Do you have treats on holidays?



  1. I had to visit our local hospital yesterday and there was a cat "supervising" visitors! There was a sunny spot slap bang in the middle of the entrance and a large black cat had decided that would do as its spot for the day. It only moved to try and get into the hospital and each time it was shooed out it went back to the same spot and stopped wheelchairs etc going in.

  2. I love how your husband 'thinks' he might have eaten some extras :) I allow myself far too many treats, and it's something which I need to address.
    You must find if difficult to sleep in that heat. It's much cooler here in the north. X

  3. Summer evenings are the best!

  4. We don't have holidays but we do have treats, though not every day, of course;-) Life is to be enjoyed, not endured.

  5. Good for you for getting back on plan. Yes - I snack too much when on holiday.

  6. It sounds like it was a delightful day in town. Cat snoozing on hot pavement! I guess
    you never know.

  7. Why is it so much harder to diet when the sun shines? No, actually it's hard to diet at any time!

  8. Tour husband sounds like mine! Something disappears from the fridge, and since I didn't eat it, tbst just leaves one suspect! But his answer is almost always that he might have. So funny.

  9. I giggled thinking about the cat gumming all the traffic up just because it was being a cat.

  10. Well now we know who is in charge of the car park :-) Kitty power!
    I'm off on holiday in a few weeks so any thoughts of diet will be firmly left at home and the scales will be in hiding when we get back.
    Have a good week.


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