Saturday 1 June 2024

Mind calming!

 I have been watching the washing blowing in the wind, so mind calming, and I needed it!

There was a rift in our family, which I have mentioned in my blog a while ago, but out of the blue, my mother's cousin popped in! She had sided with the other branch of the family and hadn't contacted me for over 20 years. However since moving here, she has been in contact two or three times, she lives in a near by small town. So her visit was a surprise, she came with an invite for her 90th birthday. I smiled and kept up with the inane conversation, that happens between people, who have little to say to each other. And it wasn't easy as she had forgotten to put in her hearing aids.. I would have liked to have reminded her that, she hasn't sent me a birthday card for a few years! But I kept quiet and fumed after she had gone!

Then I had a conversation with a chair company, a recliner. I don't want to have one that allows you to lie back, but one where you can have your legs raised. I had sent for their catalogue, nice chairs but no prices. So I asked the woman who answered the phone for a price list. She went off straight into the spiel of all our chairs are individually made, so prices vary. I replied I knew that, but I wanted an idea of the prices. Honestly she went on like a robot, as if she hadn't heard me, so, I said, ' Dych chi siarad Cymraeg?' which means, ' Do you speak Welsh. She stopped and asked what did I say. I replied I'd asked her if she spoke Welsh, as she obviously hadn't understood my English, when I had asked if there was a price list. Well,  ha ha, I must have touched a nerve as she accused me of being rude and hung up! So I won't be buying from them! 

Why do these firms hide their prices all she needed to do  was to give me was a starting price and then up to, what ever, so I had an idea of the price. I'm not naïve I know they're upwards from £850 and was prepared to have a demo at home, if I had an idea of the price.. Ah well, I shall spend my money else where!

So I needed that quiet sit in the garden, which is green and lush looking, and my dahlias are showing growth hurrah! 

So I calmed down watching Dh's washing blowing on the line! And the daisies like white spots in the lawn looked lovely too.



  1. Companies who hide their prices like that are one of my pet hates. For every potential customer who sticks with them through to purchase there must be countless others who refuse to play the game and go elsewhere. It seems like shooting yourself in your own foot!

  2. I had a similar experience when I contacted a firm that made and installed 'walk-in' baths. I was impressed with their products; they did the installation and it was exactly what I needed. But I had absolutely no idea of the prices, so I asked . . . It was like talking to a politician - lots of cheerful descriptions of their products, the firm's history, how the family started the business, etc. etc. But nothing to do with the prices 'as each installation is different'. I realised that, but please, just some idea of starting prices or an average. Nope! So, like you, I walked away. I never did get a walk-in bath. I had my bath taken out and a large, walk-in shower instead, all researched and priced before going ahead. I wonder how these businesses get any customers.

  3. I love to see washing blowing gently on the line, and the lovely fresh smell of it when you bring it in is gorgeous. I hope you manage to find a suitable chair from a reliable and helpful company!

  4. Watching clothes dry as they blow in the wind can be quite calming! Hope the weekend is a peaceful one, Chris!

  5. There's nothing like clothes drying outside.
    I don't understand why places hide prices. I guess they want us to fall in love with the product so we don't mind spending a lot? However, price is a huge deal... I like your Welsh comment. :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's been a while since I've had new commenters. I'll bookmark yours to stop by again.

  7. If they won't tell you the price, you don't want to know it!

  8. That really annoys me too - it's such a simple request to make. xx

  9. Oh, that part about speaking Welsh to her made me laugh out loud! What a great tactic!

  10. Not answering the question, being super vague and/or pushy with your products equals a guaranteed no sale in my book. I hope you find the right recliner for what you need and at a price you are happy with.
    Washing drying on the line is lovely to see.


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