Sunday 2 June 2024

Salmon at its best!

 After an afternoon in the garden on Thursday, it was hot,  but we had done lots, and we were shattered!  Aimlessly we were sitting flicking through Channel 4 and stopped on a Jamie Oliver's cooking program. Dh saw this and decided he'd cook it for our evening meal on Friday. I think we had most of the ingredients except fresh chilis and olives.

Any way Friday he popped out and got them and then disappeared into the kitchen for the best part of the afternoon! It was delicious..


Heaped tbs Capers

Olive oil 2 tbs

Anchovy fillets (tin)

2 Sprigs of Rosemary

5 Olives

A lemon

Thin slices of a red chili

Salmon, 2 pieces for us, Jamie Oliver had a side of salmon.


In a bowl

Add together all the above ingredients, tearing the anchovies into strips, stripping the rosemary off the stem, squashing the olives, zest of the lemon then squeeze in the lemon juice and add the olive oil. Mix all together and cover and fridge over night, if possible, Dh left it for a couple of hours.

Then make little cuts into the salmon and into each cut, stuff some the mix and decorate with the thin slices of chili.  Jamie's looked like this.

Ours looked like this; Dh really enjoyed himself doing this

Then some roasted baby tomatoes.

And with it we had new potatoes and a very crunchy green salad.

Absolutely delish, we'll have it again!
If you want to see Jamie's recipe, its on line listed as Stuffed Salmon.



  1. That looks absolutely amazing. Well done DH. xx

  2. What a lovely meal! It looks like something from a fancy restaurant. Roasted tomatoes are so good too.

  3. Wow! That looks wonderful! Oh, to have a hubby that likes to cook like that. Mine can do simple things but would never tackle such a dish.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Chris!

  4. I am just sorry I can not smell this delish food thru the computer! I love fresh salmon and your veggie selection looks tasty. I will be on this allergy pill journey for a while, and of course looking for the store brand is less expensive. Now she's getting tired of finding the bitter pill pieces in the chicken pill pocket of course!

  5. That salmon dish looks wonderful! I love salmon and eat it at least once or twice weekly. I love olives and haven't thought about adding them to salmon. I'll be making this recipe soon. Thanks for sharing!

  6. It looks so good. I love salmon!

  7. I do like salmon but unfortunately my DH is not much of a fish eater. Fish and chips more his style.

  8. Salmon is popular in our house, this looks and sounds delicious.

    All the best Jan

  9. That looks delicious. Xx


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