Friday 31 May 2024

A Garden Stroll.

We now have an area of garden  we called the 'fence' garden because its by the new fence.. all the plants there are either, small flowering trees or shrubs, apart from the Bramley, Victoria Plum and Russet apple, fruit trees. They are just beginning to flower, although the cherry and crab apple were early flowering. I can't remember the names of some!

This is to show the height of the fox gloves, now nearly gone.

Some aquilegia, new so hope these will self seed, as they are a lovely yellow

Blue geraniums, always welcome in my garden, so pretty and very blue!

And these were here, the only flowers, Arum lilies, not my favourite but Dh likes them. As soon as we have a frost, these wilt and become a yucky slime. Then they grow up all again, I've never seen this in a plant before.

This is one of three climbing roses I bought to go in front of the fence, Chandos Beauty, it does have an amazing scent.

And this is??...

...... it was supposed  to be this climbing rose, Starlight Symphony, but as you can see its just a mass of spindly growth and in the last week it has developed a single pink rose, like that of the wild Dog rose.

I got in contact with the company 2 months ago and sent photographs saying it was not the rose I had ordered. They suggested it was ok, but since then I've contacting them again and they are sending  me a new rose.. But I have to pay postage! I'm ok with that if it means I'll have the climbing rose I want.

I'm fighting the slugs and snails that are feasting on my dahlias, that are struggling to grow. I rely on the dahlias for my summer colour, so I check each morning and we do use a environmental slug deterrent.

I grow my tomatoes in pots against the west facing wall, they've always done well there, my favourites are Alicante and Big Tom.

Our little veg patch with Dh's potatoes in bags on the path. We have a moderate success with the potatoes, but are happy with that, we're only feeding us not an army!

Carrots, and lettuce are looking good, this patch gets full sun so we water most evenings.

And our Sweet Heart cabbage under an environmesh cover against cabbage butterflies!

We also have Sprouting Broccoli getting bigger each week, it won't be ready till Autumn.

We have eaten some of the garlic and a lettuce from our veg patch and isn't our parsley a wonder to behold!
The beans are all germinated in our little plastic greenhouse and Dh will be putting up his sticks and planting next week. Its all go now in the garden and we try to do a little each day. 



  1. All those lovely veg plants - it's exciting, isn't it?
    I hope they get the rose right this time. xx

  2. Battling a cat and all the birds has almost put me off growing veg - everything has to be covered and pegged down.
    Your garden is looking very good all round

  3. Marvellous…you’ve been really busy!
    I wonder if your rose has reverted to rootstock. I was reading about this only a few days ago and apparently it can happen.
    It’s disappointing for you but at least the company have been fair about it.
    Lovely blog post! 😁

  4. Your gardening is incredible. All the flowers are lovely, especially the blue. I am partial to all flowers blue. And how tasty all those veggies will be. I have horrible slug problem and even with the right slug deterrent they do not subside. Some days I get so aggravated I go out the the salt shaker and get as many as I can, lol.

  5. I always enjoy seeing what others are growing. Thanks for the tour.

  6. What beautiful flowers! And an extensive veggie garden too! Thanks for popping by my blog today and leaving a comment for me!

  7. You have quite an assortment there. I haven't grown vegetables since we moved from the house we bilt, The Lodge, in 2016. Maybe one day. Now I rely on a local farm share.

  8. What a nice stroll through your garden. You certainly maximize your space. Funny about that rose. It sounds like the graft died and the wild stock took over. I have had that happen.

  9. Hi Chris, I enjoyed reading all about your garden. Your flowers are gorgeous and the vegetables are doing well too. We have had so much rain, first all winter, which is normal for us, then all spring too. Hopefully soon we'll get some sunshine.

  10. There are lots of lovely plants in your garden. I hope the new rose will produce lots of beautiful,sweet smelling blooms for you and Dh. Happy veg growing.


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