Saturday 20 April 2024

Some answers!

 Shwmae bawb,

Lots of comments on Meghan's jam.. I not a fan of hers and while I agree strawberry jam is made and eaten in US as well as other countries, it is a very  English jam. Why did she have them numbered and if they want a life completely away from the Royal Family, why hang on to the title of Duchess of Sussex. Just seems contrary to their wishes.. but I 'm happy to live and let live just NIMBY!.

My cousin, no she is not and I won't have her to stay. I think she only wants a nosy look and I 'm not prepared to listen to her condescending sayings. Her posh friends wouldn't have her in their 'bubble' in the covid lockdown, neither would her brother! I didn't like her when I was little either, she was always hitting me! And something I remember was the incident of my 'School Girls' comic. My Aunty Glad, who with my grand mother brought me up, used to buy me  comics, I was reading it and my cousin asked could she have it and I said no, as I was reading it, she snatched it from me and ripped it to pieces. We must have been 7-ish and I remember it well!! Am I bearing a grudge? I suppose so!

My dips in moods all stem from my weight and failure to lose big chunks of weight! The present SW consultant said I'm probably eating too much food, even though in the SW food plan some foods are classed as free, in that you can eat lots of them. However over the years, she explained SW has evolved to eating less carbs and more veg and fruit and protein! Why didn't someone say this years ago, saved me some £ s.. Although I have lost weight consistently in the last 4 weeks and I have increased my walking and yesterday walked a mile along the front prom.. probably not brilliant in some peoples exercise program, but brilliant for me!

My Dh is very patient with me and does do the lion's share of work. This last week was the ninth anniversary of my breaking my right arm, which changed my life in a big way. However I still do a lot in our home and while I can't dig in the garden, I sow all the seeds, transplant them all and water them each day. That's some commitment and needs good pouring skills to keep the water off the floor. That's why Dh is not encouraged to water in the house! LOL And I weed, for 10 mins, sit and then weed some more!  And I do my 'tiara' job every day! I make the bed, dust and polish and tidy, picking up and putting stuff away. So I'm not idle, just don't cook, but I do clear up after Dh and load the dish washer.

So I am settled and happy here in my own home town, but I do miss some aspects of my life in Billericay, mainly my Church there. I attended that church from 1974 to 2005, apart from the 4 years when I lived in Coventry,  but attended a church there too and became a big part of the congregation.  I miss the Billericay, church dreadfully. I knew the people, the pastors, there were 5 in my time there and I suppose I was a cog in the church life.. so I must make the effort to put down church roots here!

But all said and done, we are very blessed and live a comfortable life. I do have worries about what would we do if Dh couldn't drive anymore, so in the next few months, once the weather is settled we're going to bus into town. The bus stop is 3 mins up the side path and it runs every 25 mins.. so that's my next challenge!



  1. Getting familiar with the bus route sounds like a good idea. Doing it together would be great!

  2. I think you are working in the right direction with activity and eating right. Keep up the good work. I bike as much as I can in this climate. Last Aug I had a bike wreck and broke my hand so I know how breaks can mess up life in general. I quit using dairy, wheat and sugar 10 years ago and have found a good balance of veggies and some meat. Meat is so expensive I go vegan a few days a week. Hope your gardening pays off. This time of year I have pots of tiny seedlings in the house until mid May.

  3. Oh I'd love it if my husband cooked, but I have that job too, I would gladly clean all day, but hate cooking.
    I found SW hard to stick to long term, I did loose weight by calorie counting though and not put it back on so far. Good for you doing your walking, I wish I could motivate myself yo get out walking more.

  4. It must still be hard after spending so many years at the same place in Billericay, to find the best new church for you now in Porthcawl. I do hope you find a welcoming one in the near future.


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