Sunday 21 April 2024

Like a summer's day.

It was a sweltering hot day yesterday and our town was full, the main street was bustling and the car parks full. Lots of people were down on the front beach looking at that drift wood!

These were out taking older people for a ride up and down  the prom.   I'm not sure what this charity is but its free. I prefer to walk myself!

We were in town as Dh had volunteered us to man the U3a gardening  table for an hour, as the U3a were having a sort of advertising session to make it known in the town. I chatted to the Welsh Speaking group leader and she assured me that beginners were very welcome, but I don't feel confident enough, although I'm improving all the time. And we watch 'Popol y Cwm,'  ( People of the Valley.) on Sc4 We understand some of it and sometimes we get up the Welsh sub-titles, so that makes it much easier.

Dh chatted to the walking group leader and going to that would be super for him. I walk fairly well but only with my wheels, and 3 or 4 miles would be too much for me.

So a pleasant day and very summery.. I walked through town without my jacket it was that hot!




  1. There's nothing better than a sunny day by the seaside:-)

  2. Sounds like a perfect day to be walking on the beach!

  3. Sounds like a very nice day! Seeing the people by the drift wood shows how big it is!

  4. I must try watching Pobol y Cwm. My mind goes blank if faced with Welsh even though I've been learning on Duolingo now for three years.
    It was a beautiful day yesterday. It was lovely to feel the sun again at last.

  5. While you've been sunbathing we've been freezing in a strong NE wind!!

  6. It does look lovely! Have a great week.

  7. Lucky you! We had snowflakes here for a few moments yesterday!

  8. Sounds like a nice day. I'd be walking too. :)

  9. Sounds like a very nice day.
    May the coming week be a good one.

    All the best Jan

  10. It sounds like you enjoyed your day. Good luck with learning to speak Welsh even if slowly :)


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