Thursday 15 February 2024

The Beast!

 During lockdown, where we were living in Suffolk, it wasn't easy to go walking. My weight had already increased since breaking my arm. Then four hospital stays, operations and always feeling the discomfort (pain) and being paranoid about tripping again,  meant I was hardly walking outside, so buying this seemed a good idea. 

I bought it on line and because it was on line not in the store, I asked a hundred questions about it,  but not how big it was! I thought it was the size of a normal sized coffee table. So it was a surprise to see how big it was when all the packing came off, we've always called it 'the beast.'

Of course when we moved here, with only 3 bedrooms, there were no cupboards, in fact no storage space at all. We'd moved from a big four bedroomed house with a huge under stairs cupboard, a huge pantry and fitted wardrobes, so we filled the end room with boxes, they were floor to ceiling, chock o block! We bought wardrobes right away for our bedroom and the second bedroom and the Beast went in the garage

Then we just opened a box if we needed something, couldn't find our dinner plates for a couple of weeks, so ate out of cereal bowls! Then we waited till we had our kitchen done, one year later and the boxes started to go down. We sorted out a lot of stuff for charity shops and our target was 2 bags sorted per week. But recently we've sort of stalled and all I was doing was moving stuff around. Last week I'd said to Dh, 'We've been here 2 1/2 years and we still have stuff to get rid of, we have to get something done!' 

So I thought if I asked on FB for someone, perhaps from a Removal firm for 2 persons to carry it from the garage to the end room, we'd be willing to pay. I thought perhaps it would take a week to organise it, so it would be the bomb incentive to get the room sorted!

However it never occurred to me that out of the kindness of their hearts somebody would offer to do it as a kindness. Two people said they'd be willing to come and move it for us. And they could come this week. It was arranged for Wednesday 14th..

So we got ourselves together and sorted, boxed, crated and got 3 bags for the charity shop. We vac-ed up 2 1/2 years of dust, cleaned the windows, and flash mopped the floor. The hall book shelf spent the night in the kitchen and I actually tidied up our gloves and scarves, which had been spilling out of them.

We were up at 7 and showered and dressed before 8 and then had our porridge.. they were here at 9:30 am as arranged. They were only minutes and the Beast was in the end room. Dh connected up the handle part and ting ting, it was working.

I think Dh's tried to show the screen saying 'Hello Chris' 
It records and keeps a record of what you do.. so no excuse now for me to exercise. I don't want to run a mile just keep my legs strong!
The actual cleaning of that room has done us the world of good, now we're going to spring clean the other bedrooms. Dh's daughter and husband are coming for Easter, so that's a good reason for us to get organised!
We work better under pressure!
Whew it feels so good to get that room done.
De cluttering is not easy!
And now I suppose I'd best get walking!


  1. The prospect of visitors coming spurs us into activity, too, sadly not as productively as yours. However, we have a refuse tip slot booked for next week so that should jolt us into action!

  2. How lovely of those people to come and help you. We had a similar 'beast' bought for my hubby when he was on a brief keep fit kick (he has them approximately once a year ... always something different), it ended up filling a huge part of our conservatory and only being used for draping washing over. We sold ours on FB Marketplace and suddenly had space back.

  3. I've got a Beast in my garage, also for use when I don't feel safe walking too far away from home. Walk well!

    There are kind people around - good to know that there were kind people around when you needed them

  4. Good for you for getting all that done!
    I started decluttering last year and had gone through several rooms when my Dad passed away. It took away my mojo, plus I was trustee and it seemed all my days off were spent on paperwork and calls.
    I need to get at it again, and am planning to start on the spare room this afternoon. It's a daunting task but you gave me good incentive!

  5. That's a heartwarming story - well done all. xx

  6. It's so nice to hear that some kind people moved the Beast for you! You did well to get all that clearing done, too! Enjoy your walking! :)

  7. Lovely that those kind hearted people were willing to come and help. It feels wonderful to finally get a dreaded job done. I hope cleaning the other bedrooms goes as well.


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