Friday 16 February 2024

Presents., sort of!

This little cartoon picture really appealed to me, so cute and vaguely true! When I was young I wasn't a girl that had Valentine cards, but in an all girls school, where I boarded I didn't know anyone else who had. I didn't miss them. Dh and I do give each other cards and a little present.

While looking at Sue's blog. She had pictures of this artists work. I had to go to the web site and bought 5 cards for my girl friends, do look at them, but beware you might be tempted like me, there are cards, jigsaws, tea towels and prints, the artist is Lucy Almey Bird

So cute and are just the sort of paintings I like.
They made me think of Beryl Cooks paintings, sort of real life!


And  this came, published today and I have it now!

I was going to buy it myself but Dh said he'd buy it, so we've gone halves, I couldn't let him pay for it, because he had already bought a new lot of dahlias and all new seeds, when we popped to the garden centre. (Aren't seeds pricy these days?)This is not the package picture as it's stuck in the pot already planted in dry compost. And that's the sort of presents I like. 
We did celebrate Valentine's day with a very delicious sirloin steak meal, bake potato, and green salad., my favourite cooked by Dh. And pud was a rhubarb clafoutis with a measured amount of ice cream and squirty cream, so following the SW plan, and very nice too.
And hasn't it rained and rained, just the sort of day to walk inside on your own treadmill! I'm gearing myself up to it!


  1. I looked at Lucy Almey Bird's site - thank you for the link.
    I#ll be interested to know what you think of 'he Women'. I read the blurb and am unsure.

  2. My friend at work just got that book and told me not to get it, she will pass it on. I like her books!

  3. The wind made it a treadmill day here too. Have a great weekend!

  4. I can't wait to read 'The Women' (K.Hannah is one of my favorite authors). I haven't bought it yet 'cause I have a ton of books I am trying to read that are already loaded on my Kindle. One of these days I'll get around to it... and wonder why I didn't make a bigger effort to do it sooner, I bet.

  5. I've just notched up the first 700 steps walking on the spot... another 1000 at least before bedtime while watching TV will make me very content!

  6. Your meal sounds lovely! What a kind husband.


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