Saturday 17 February 2024

'That Black Dog'

 Yesterday I fell into a black pit, not physically but it might have well have been. My mood was deep despair all day. It didn't start off well. I'd had another sleepless night, so when Dh woke me, so we could go to SW, I was not happy. I was in a deep sleep, and it felt like I'd only just gone to sleep. But roused myself and went straight into the shower, honestly sometimes I could go to sleep in there. I always say 'no pain in the shower!' But a cup of tea and by the time I was dressed to leave for 9:00 am, I was more awake. And when we got there it was nice to be greeted by the people we've got to know over the last year. 

Then the scales and shock horror!!! I'd only lost a HALF a pound!! How could that be, I'd tried so hard and kept strictly to the SW plan. My mood dropped from blurry tired to despair.. and that's how I felt all day. it was as though I'd been smacked in the face. I wanted to come home straight away, but we stayed for the meeting.

In the afternoon we had our U3a Singalong group, and I struggled to sing with any joy, but I tried, until we sang some Welsh songs. In fact to my embarrassment I felt really emotional when we started to sing, 'We'll keep a welcome in the hillside.' It brought back the memories when we, my ex and children first moved to Billericay from here, my home town. I was so home sick and felt utterly alone, this song came on the radio and I cried and cried. So this afternoon it was the last straw, the tears flowed.

I've always had this little pic in my picture folder and it always gives me a lovely feeling. Doesn't she look so pretty and yes full of sass! I did try to find out if it was a real child, but no success. She reminds me of my granddaughter when she was this age, she had a lot of sass!

And then this saying popped up when I was looking something up.

It seemed a sign and I felt lifted, thank you to who ever posted it.

There's a great, big, beautiful, tomorrow,

Shining at the end of every day.



  1. I hope tomorrow is a better day after a good night’s sleep, Chris.

  2. What a day. I remember getting so despondent at weight watcher meetings when I thought I'd had a 'good' week and it didn't show on the scales.
    Last year my phrase for the year was 'strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow' which carried me through some tough days.
    Your picture book sounds like a very good idea!

  3. Hang in there Chris. You will get through this. February is always a difficult month for me, and I think the lack of sunshine doesn't help. And do not beat yourself up about SW, at least your weight went down, not up! A good weep is therapeutic sometimes, and singing can raise real emotion. Sending love and blessings - may you have " strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow" as the old hymn says 😊🙏❤️

  4. Awm Chris, I am so sorry to read this. They say January and February are the hardest months to get through with lack of sunlight, colour and warmth to cheer the spirits. That saying at the end is lovely and I'm glad it helped.
    Maybe, this week, stick to the plan of course but focus on colour and flavour rather than thinking about numbers on the scale so that whatever they show next week, you've enjoyed a great week's food. I find that helps me so much I do it all the time now.
    Love and hugs.

  5. You may well have made some muscle this weighs more than fat, but is infinitely more beneficial!

  6. Those bad days are really BAD, arent they? I did SW for a while then came out.I didnt find it very helpful overall. Take care, have a good rest and maybe plan something nice for the near future to look forward to.

  7. It was just too much after not getting much sleep. Hope today is better!

  8. February is nearly over. March is brighter and breezier. Keep going - every little weight loss is good

  9. Today I hope is a better day. We all fall at some point, but luckily we get back up. Have a beautiful week.

  10. Oh bless you. I know that SW feeling. Only losing half a pound seems like nothing, especially after we've worked so hard, but when you see pictures of a pound of fat and realise what you've lost, it is an achievement. But I know too well that darkness that is inexplicable. Prayers for you.

  11. Hope today is a better day. At least you lost some weight instead of gaining!


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