Sunday 18 February 2024

Pulled my Socks Up!

I seem to have 'got myself together' and after a good cry with my husband and reading all your lovely encouraging comments, and looked at my many blessings, I feel a lot better.
The grey skies definitely don't help, and the sleep deprivation, but I can see dots of white right  up the garden, from the steps by the French doors, which are my new snowdrops, so that's lovely. And there is a lovely clump of primroses, flowering beautifully. I have to remind myself that there was only weeded grass here when we moved in.
Thank you Joy for reminding me that I had eaten good tasty food too.
And looking back on the week, we had celebrated Pancake day and Valentines and I had lost half a pound, so not bad.
Through the month of January which isn't over yet, I've lost 3 pounds, and there's another week to go.
Thank you for reminding me of the hymn Angela, 'strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.' 
Sorry you too have experienced disappointments of dieting Elizabeth and KirstenM . It's so difficult to explain to people who have never had a weight problem. And that was me once, I was positively skinny! Thank you Marie and Mari for you best wishes for a better day And jabblog thank you.
I'm not giving up and this morning I ventured onto the 'Beast' (treadmill) I felt really nervous and couldn't remember how to work it and I needed my step to get on, as its quite high. (The step was bought ages ago and not used!)
So another week and I'm even more determined, so now looking at portion control!
Thank you 



  1. I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes we have to go down in order to appreciate going up.

  2. That sounds much happier, I'm so very glad. Thinking of you through this coming week. xxx

  3. Thankful for better days! You are encouraging me because I need to get back to the treadmill and a better diet as well.

  4. So good to read this. Love the hippo picture. Sending it to a friend who is struggling with SW! How a great week 🙏❤️😊👍

  5. Well done you! I will be thinking of you as I add 1500 steps this evening while watching pottery throwdown on TV!
    3 pounds lost in 3 weeks; I was told at WW losing a pound a week was steady progress and that way the pounds were more likely to stay off.

  6. That’s the spirit, Chris. You got this!

    I am resorting to the treadmill today since we had snow and drifting overnight. Not my favourite!

  7. Glad to read that you are feeling more positive about things. I think you've had a steady weight loss and that seems to be the way to go.

  8. I'm sorry that Friday was a rough day for you. I think it always feels worse when you have tried especially hard with eating habits, to find the result on the scales is not what you expected or wanted. I also know the 'once skinny now not so feeling'. I'm sending you calorie free hugs today x


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