Wednesday 14 February 2024

Shrove Tuesday; Ash Wednesday

 Did you have pancakes? We did but a limited number. Gone are the days when I had them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today I just had two! But they were a very nice ones, made by Dh, who is watching my syns, I'm allowed 15 so I have to keep to that. Syns are daily extras on the SW plan, 1syn=20 cals.

Quite a few years ago, I was visiting my daughter, my Granddaughter  was 4.. On the Wednesday my son in law was going to the Ash Wednesday Church Service and asked if his daughter had some change in her money box, as he had no money on him and didn't have time to go to a 'hole in the wall' My grand daughter's immediate reply was, that she wasn't going to give him her money! I said that I had some he could have and she started shouting to not let him have any, because he never pays it back! I was trying not to laugh out loud, I did give him some money and he did say he'd pay me back!
After he'd left my grand daughter wanted to show me her safe hiding place for her money,
In her bedroom, she lifted up her rug and pointed to the gap in the floor boards!! She had been posting her money there for ages.. my daughter laughed when I told her, and as far as I know my grand daughter's pennies are still there!
My grand daughter was right,  as my son in law has never paid me back and that was 26 years ago!!

Hope you enjoyed your pancakes too.



  1. Your story made me chuckle!

    Yes, I had pancakes for breakfast and they were very nice indeed with fruit and yogurt. Yours look lovely! xx

  2. Observant Christians today will be wearing ashy crosses on their foreheads, which sets me wondering where they acquire the ash.

  3. That is such a cute story!
    No pancakes here, I rarely eat them.

  4. WE didn't have any pancakes this year because I knew I'd eat too many. You were very restrained.

  5. It's hard to stop with just two pancakes! I had two American style fluffy pancakes and I ate them with lentil curry. :)


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