Saturday 10 February 2024

Sleep like a bear!

I don't knew what this fella's on but I'll have some please! He looks dead to the world and cosy on an ice float off Norway's Svalbard Archipelago, The amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani won the people's choice Award for the Amateur Photographer of the Year. with this amazing photograph. After three days of searching in thick fog, the expedition vessel Mr Sarikhani was on, came across two polar bears, and just before midnight the young male climbed on to the iceberg and used his claws to scrape out a bed in the ice and drifted off to sleep.

Me?? I have a comfortable bed, a new pillow designed especially for side sleepers and I spend hours awake. I have to have the under sheet absolutely flat, not one crease, the same with the pillow case, not one rumple, the duvet up to my ears, but not over my face, I like cool air to breathe, so the fanlight window is just open, and my feet have to be warm.. and I go to sleep, but then wake for the loo about 2:30am  ish, and then, some nights I'm in the 'wide awake club' for a couple of hours, before I can go back to sleep.

I usually get up and go in the lounge and read, but I really want to sleep! My Dr says its post menopausal lack of estrogen. I do have some little tabs, but not to take, I'll leave it to your imagination where they're to go! When you don't sleep at night, it steals your days and I really struggle to do much all day. I do my best not to doze and when we go out my legs are like lead. I'm really careful because when I am tired I'm paranoid about tripping up.

So move over polar bear and make room for me! 

How do you sleep?



  1. I've always gone through spells of sleeping badly. It bothered me a lot when I had to teach all day but now I am just glad that if I need to, I can always have a daytime snooze to catch up. xx

  2. A good night's sleep is a gift. Young animals sleep anywhere because they're properly tired from a day of activity, mental and physical.

  3. I just saw that photo last night. It's incredible! I can't imagine coming across a scene like that.
    I usually sleep ok, other than getting up to run to the bathroom!

  4. Doesnt he look comfortable! What a wonderful photo.

  5. Oh my goodness, you and me both girl with the staying awake at night. I have to get up every two hours to go tinkle and sometimes I stay awake for awhile. It's so disruptive. But, I guess it goes with getting old.

  6. I am a terrible sleeper, but have a few good nights every now and then. I am trying to get more melatonin naturally, as in food such as cherries. We’ll see how that goes.

  7. A bad night makes the following day difficult; a couple of bad nights in a row can really get a person down. I've never been a "good sleeper" but the older I get the less well I sleep.
    The Polar bear looks quite comfortable right where he is!

  8. I rarely go to bed before 4:00 a.m., these days, but, I sleep well and wake up around 10:00 a.m. I seem to do fine on six hours of sleep. Fortunately, since I am retired, this sleep schedule works well for me. :)


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