Friday 9 February 2024

Is it vanity?

 I do watch what I spend and sometimes I stop to think should I buy something even if I need it. Even now, as I've got older I still buy and use moisturizing creams, body lotion and I always wear a sun barrier cream. I don't buy creams that are cheap,  even if it is suggested they are as good as the more expensive. Although I don't use Lancôme these days, because I found that Boots is as good and it suits my skin.

I'm always pleased if someone compliments me about my complexion and say that I don't look my age. I don't wear beige or black and most of my dresses are bright colours, and although I wear cardigans they are all brightly patterned (In the winter wool, I believe in being warm!)  I don't use soap but an aqueous cream and a soft flannel to wash and shower.

I wanted to buy these baby flannels, because the ones I have are worn out and some  have disappeared, like the odd sock!. But I hesitated, why? It wasn't that they were costly or that I didn't have the money. So I looked back to see when I had bought them before, 10 months ago!! So I bought them!

When Boots, which was the first firm to bring out a Serum, advertised as a wonder treatment for skin,  there was a mad scramble for it and it was sold out everywhere.
I was living in Coventry at the time, and leasing my house in Billericay. The tenants  were leaving, so we returned to check out the house and I thought I'd pop into the school, where I had spent my last six years teaching. Everyone was in the staff room having a cuppa and were pleased to see me. The secretary said I was looking good and I thanked her and said it must be the new Boots Serum, there were screams and excitement and she said, we all knew you get it, even though most stores in and around Billericay were sold out and had none on their shelves!
 It seems I had a bit of a reputation. When I was asked to teach full time there, rather than as a part time Supply teacher,  I'd said that I hadn't taken an outdoor games lesson for years. I explained that I was willing to swap lessons and teach music, if another teacher did my games lessons, as I valued my complexion. It was arranged,  especially as two teachers  preferred to teach games rather than music. I had six lovely teaching years in that school and still have a Christmas card from the Head Teacher 18 years later.. and I get asked in those cards about my skin! 
I look after my skin and feel good about myself! Is it a vanity? I don't think so, what do you think? Do you look after your skin?


  1. I think it is great that you pamper your skin, these things in life can bring us pleasure, so go ahead.

  2. I applaud you for being so diligent in looking after your skin. I should have but didn't and now I am suffering the consequences; Wrinkles and age spots. I do use creams now. I spent 7 years living in PNG where it is hot every day of the year. Then I moved to Queensland, which has the dubious title of "Skin Cancer Capital of the world". Not the best environments for nice skin.

  3. It's not vanity - it's commonsense to look after your skin.

  4. It's not a vanity, it is looking after when you have been blessed with. I moisturise and use day/night cream and I always do a thorough cleanse after wearing make up. Nothing fancy though and I use a number of Aldi products as they are cheap and suit me. xx

  5. My mum always used Oil of Ulay (then it became Olay for whatever reason) and had beautiful soft skin. I must confess that my skincare routine is a bit haphazard...I do try and remember to moisturise at bedtime, but not always. I don't wear makeup of any kind, not that way inclined and my skin is quite sensitive and quite often reacted to anything new I put on it.

  6. thank you for stopping by my blog. I can see I must return here when I have a little more time to spend on your lovely blog. Debbie

  7. I moisturize and use sunscreen. I don’t think of it as vanity!

  8. Good for you taking care of your skin. I have reactions to so many skin products that I stick to plain moisturizer that a dermatologist recommended over 40 years ago. I don't even use sunscreen, just a hat.

  9. Not vanity at all, Chris. Just taking care and ensuring a happy healthy skin for as long ss possible.

  10. Not vanity and well done for taking care of your skin. I should treat my skin well and I don't!


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