Thursday 8 February 2024

Nell. 08/02/2009------25/09/2023

Such a little cutie and we loved her right from the start. 
I don't know where I got the name Nell from, Dh asked what should we name her, and when I looked at her, Nell popped into my head.
She would have been 15 today.

She wrecked the garden, digging up flowers and of all her toys and play things, she loved a plastic flower pot, even ones with plants in them!

Look at me, she'd say!

She was always where we were, then she was happy.

My best chair became hers!

She made herself comfy on it.

She loved her 'Love' cushion, it was a Christmas present and as soon as we gave it to her, she started to 'hump' it, as dogs do!!

Always loved playing 'fetch' especially on our holidays, she always                came with us.

In the snow, she had such fun.

Wrapped like a ham, to keep the dressing on after her op to remove a  lump from her neck.

Sun bathing or was she watching,  in case one of us had a biscuit?
We'll always remember you Nell, best dog ever!
Such a little love, full of fun, she gave us such joy.
I have cried and cried, so has Dh, we loved her so much.



  1. it;s so wonderful and such a privilege when we welcome just the right dog into our households. I still miss myFido ten years on. Hugs to you.

  2. Such a pretty little girl. She haws left her pawprints on your hearts. Your post made me cry. I am so sorry for your loss.

  3. What an adorable dog - small wonder you miss her so very much. xx

  4. She was so cute and I really like her name. They do become one of the family and are so missed. You gave her a good life. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  5. Such a beautiful tribute to a beloved pet! Glad you have beautiful memories.

  6. We lost our grand-dog n November. I feel your loos. You were so fortunate to have had your pup for so long!

  7. Such a cute dog. It is always so sad when we loose them.

  8. I'm sorry your sweet pup died. She looked adorable; no wonder she was so loved.

  9. Such a lovely post full of sweet memories of Nell. She was such a lovely part of your family and you must miss her terribly especially at this time.
    Hugs x

  10. She was such a pretty furry friend. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  11. Such a cutie! They do leave their paw prints all over our hearts, don't they?


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