Sunday 11 February 2024

Dancing days but no sex|!

 Porthcawl Pavilion is a very active theatre venue, so to hear it was to close for 2 years has been a tough, but it is closing to have an 18 million refurb! So all good and there's going to be pop up shows and events in other halls in the mean time.

I remember in my youth going there with my Grandmother , to see the local Operatic Society shows. This society is still going and is now 100 years old. I remember the one show, I think I remember it as 'Rose Marie.' and there were Mounties in it. We went to see it because our milkman was in the chorus. I remember having a fit of giggles to see his thin legs in bottle green  tights! 

But my greatest joy was when I was a teenager and my friend  Terri came home with me on a Friday night for the weekend, so we could go to the Saturday night dance.
It was the time of Rock and Roll and the Twist! Terri had a straight shaped, cream terylene skirt, quite tight but she managed to get down twisting and get up too! We had such fun and danced all evening, mostly with other girls I knew. There might have been boys there, I can't remember, they didn't figure much in our lives then, we were very naïve and innocent I suppose. 
I stayed with her to go to her local pally, some weekends. We caught the bus together, as she lived in Pontycymma.. We were so unware of life and sex, as we lived in a sheltered world, attending an all girls Boarding School, run by Nuns.
We wouldn't sit on a seat in the bus where a man had sat and it was still warm, in case we got pregnant! Yes, we honestly believed that!
Terri thought herself a leader in fashion and had persuaded her dad to buy her this orange PVC jacket. I used to tease her that you could smell the jacket before you saw her, it did have a very strong plastic, rubbery smell!
I loved those days of my youth, no worries, no cares, and lots of laughter.  I loved her mum, not having one of my own, so never needed asking twice if I wanted to stay.
We're still friends today and have happy hours on the phone; she now lives in Kent and is green with envy that I am here in Porthcawl. I didn't realised when we bought here, that my home is just a stone throw from our old school. It is no longer a boarding school and is run by an Agency. We can hear the children playing in the playground from our garden.

Happy Days.

Ps I didn't know the facts of life till I was sat in a Nursing lecture!  I was 18! 


  1. I know we cannot turn back the clock, and I'm aware back in those days of innocence, many children were abused. But I am sad that young people these days are exposed to so much so soon. That the pressure on them to have sex starts so young and that accessible Internet porn has spoilt things for them.

  2. Our salad days! 18 is quite late to learn the facts of life, There were some very 'knowing'girls around, who seemed so sophisticated.

  3. Hearing the children playing must bring back so many memories of your schooldays.

  4. Oh, those were the days, weren't they. I did know the facts of life from a talk with Mum and a few books she gave me (which I promptly took to school for me and my friends to snigger over) but we were very naive in pretty much all ways. Now, I think they are exposed to too much, too soon and they still seem to get into muddles. I am not sure it is any better or worse now or then but we certainly know more about it now with better/more vehicles for instant communication.

  5. I had to laugh at the 'not sitting where a man had sat' on the bus comment....I don't think my childhood was as innocent as yours. I do agree with Angela, children are exposed to far too much stuff they shouldn't be aware of at such a young age nowadays, too easy access to phones and internet. Your teenage years with your friend going to dances brings back memories - my friends and I loved going to local discos on Friday and Saturday evenings. My Mum used to tell me I had to be home by 10 pm, but I'm afraid I generally disobeyed her, always with some excuse I'd thought up.

  6. Good memories! And I wish kids today knew a little less. They get everything thrown at them at a young age!

  7. Wonderful memories of an innocent time! How lovely that you have stayed in touch with your friend all these years.

  8. I long for the innocence of those days, when children were children not mini adults, when there was no social media, when we could grow up without having to know everything so early.

  9. Lovely carefree childhood memories shared with your friend. So good that you still keep in touch with her.

  10. Sounds like fun times! How lovely that you still keep in touch with your friend from those days. :)


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