Saturday 24 February 2024

A fancy?

 When you're always watching what you eat, spicy recipes catch your eye.

I saw this and it appealed to my taste palate. I could see it along side a burger meal, beef sandwich, or even the SW dirty rice, which is basically beef mince, chopped veg, spices and rice, its very tasty.

This is easy to make and we have this little preserving jar. (Cute isn't?) 


Tsp Salt.
6 ml white vinegar
2oz sugar
2 inch Fresh Root Ginger
4 Stem ginger


Use a fork to score down the sides of the cucumber to produce the fluted edge when sliced.
Thinly slice the cucumber and place in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt, turn slices so all get the salt, leave for 10 mins.
Then rinse and drain and return to bowl.
Grate root ginger and cut stem ginger into thin strips.
Mix, salt, sugar and vinegar 
Add in the 2 types of ginger and cucumber, mix well.
Decant into a jar and leave in fridge over night.
Then its ready to eat!

I love this sort of taste. My picky food in an evening is gherkins they satisfy my fancy-ing! 

A leader of a slimming group was once trying to say, that sometimes when you think you're hungry, you're really only fancying.. she gave this example.
'You go to the fridge and inside is just raw liver, would you eat it.?'

All the group were saying 'ugh,' but I thought if it was pigs liver and I could just seal it in a hot pan, I'd eat it!! I do really like pigs liver and happily eat it with fried onions, mash, peas and gravy. And we do have it some times for an evening meal.
I remember I was once cooking some liver for my little dog, Mari. When my ex came in and said 'that smells nice,' I replied, 'its for the dog!' No more was said!!

This week after my disappointing loss of half a pound last week, I've lost 2 pounds, so that's 4 1/2 pounds in February, so quite good.. 2 more pounds and I'll drop down into the next stone level, yeh!

So we are carrying on, and going to vary our breakfasts, not porridge every morning! So we might even have toast, altho that's very dangerous for me because its a 'trigger' food. I could eat a loaf of bread spread with butter and marmalade.. best end this post here, its too tempting to even think about toast!
Pass the gherkins!



  1. My mother used to make this quite often in the summer, with sliced garlic and peppercorns instead of ginger. I shall give your version a try.

  2. I made several jars of a Sweet and Sour Cucumber Pickle last year - it's delicious. I'll do it again if I can find the recipe.

  3. I like the look and sound of your cucumber pickle. I love pickles! Well done on the weight loss - it's all going in the right direction.

  4. We enjoy liver too, we have it in a casserole with sausage. Well done on the weight loss, half a pound might be disappointing when you've stuck to the diet all week but some weeks you lose inches rather than pounds, stick at it, you're doing great!

  5. I saw a recipe for Asian cucumber salad which is on our menu this week. I like cucumber well enough but our grandkids love them plain. I grow them to share with them every year. Last year, our daughter started her own garden which the kids quite enjoyed tending and eating the produce. More for our dinner table!

  6. That sounds good.
    I like what that leader said and I agree that I'm often fancying, not really hungry. No liver for me!
    You had a dog named Mari? I've never heard that before! :)


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