Sunday 25 February 2024

What do you think?

 I'm probably in the minority to say this, but I think this young woman should be given a chance.

Shamima Began went to Syria age 15 and argues she was lured there and exploited as a child bride. She was indeed married to an Islamic state fighter within days of her arriving there and consequently over the years had 3 children, all of whom have died.

Now age 24 she has asked to return to Britain, her British Citizenship was stripped from her in 2019. It was said that she had dual citizenship, that she was Bangladesi,  however she is not recognized as a Bangladesti citizen , altho her parents were. She was born in UK and had never applied for a Bangladesi citizenship, so it is argued to revoke her UK Citizenship was illegal, as it would make her stateless,

Her lawyers are fighting for her to be allowed to return to the country she calls home.

The powers that be argue she is dangerous person and a threat to UK security? She is a young woman, do we really think she can outwit the British security? If she returns she could be tried as an enemy of the state and imprisoned, but that would be a hundred times better than the camp where she is now.

It seems to me this is a political argument and who would believe a politician these days?

I may only be looking at this from the view point of a mother and a woman. This young girl was one of three who were radicalized and trafficked to go to Syria and marry young men. She was only 15 and I can imagine after all they had been fed, the stories of young soldiers fighting for a cause, it seemed as though it was an adventure. She was introduced to the man she was to marry and 10 days later married. Her status as a female was to be a slave to her husband, to totally do what ever he asked. She had 3 children all who died and she has ended up in a camp, from which there is no escape.

Her mother talks of how her daughter's school clothes still hang in her wardrobe, how on her last birthday she asked for pizza instead of a Birthday Cake and still each year on her birthday, the family have pizza to remember her. She was only a school girl when she went.

The recent court case was to appeal against the removal of her UK citizenship and was dismissed and she is to remain in al-Roj camp, where the conditions have reach a critical point, with near starvation and disease now seen daily.

She made some very immature statements when interviewed, but some times when a person is backed into a corner, thoughts don't come easy. And was she afraid to say anything that could endanger her life?

I think she should be allowed to return home, she has suffered enough, 9 years of her young life has gone, some one in power must see the compassionate side of this situation.

What do you think?



  1. Your words echo my thoughts entirely.

  2. There is a natural inclination to compassion and this is a complex question.

    If she were to be allowed to return, she would need a long period of deradicalisation and rehabilitation. I'm not sure she could eve be trusted again. What example would her reinstatement set for other disaffected youth? What guarantee is there that after an initial relief at being 'home' again that she would not once again act against the state. She was only 15 but she decided to give her allegiance to an organisation set on destroying this country.

    I feel sorry for her, but also wonder who is funding her legal expenses. Is it us?

    It's not a clear-cut case but there are many hundreds, if not thousands who are in similar or worse situations, who have not betrayed this country.

  3. I agree with you.
    If every fifteen year old was judged this harshly for stupid decisions, we would have no young people left!
    How this government can make her stateless is beyond me. Where can she go? It's cruel, heartless and playing politics.

  4. I am with Carole. The girl was 15. You can bet a few days into that venture she regretted her decision. Poor child!

  5. I agree, she was 15 and has already suffered horribly for her regrettable choice

  6. I am in two minds. I would like to know more about why and how did her three children die. I haven't seen that reported anywhere. Did she play a part in their deaths. I think she could still be a threat to the security of our country, but saying that, they are letting in many more people with unknown and possibly dubious backgrounds. Are criminals paying for her legal costs because she has been radicalised to carry out their dirty work once she is on our soil. I think we should be very cautious.

  7. She is so young and has suffered so much. I had seen that all her children died is several places over the past years.
    As Carole R said, she was only 15, a very vulnerable age, and plenty of teenagers make very silly/dangerous decisions. I wish we (generic) had more forgiveness in our world. xx

  8. Poor girl was only 15 and full of starry-eyed visions of freedom fighters. I bet the reality was dreadful. Bring her home and give the poor kid a chance.

  9. I think she was stupid and disloyal to the country she was brought up in but I do feel she should be shown compassion. Kx


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