Friday 23 February 2024

I might be old, but I am also blessed.

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Alwayssmiling * ˚•

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When I was feeling down last week I actually posted on FB that I was struggling and a feeling 'blue' Something I had never done before. Several people who knew me, either left a comment or responded by a heart or other response.

But 4 of those persons knew me really well, and if it had been me seeing my friend was feeling down, I'd have phoned them, but none of them phoned me. I wasn't upset but wondered if the internet has really taken over from the old ways of contacting each other,

A couple of days later I posted I was feeling fine and people who hadn't responded when I said was down, suddenly wanted to say, so glad you're feeling better! Odd?

I don't understand this modern mode of communication, am I old fashioned,  or non tech or should I just accept the ways of  the internet? What ever I found out who were not my real friends.

So they're off my Christmas card list, ha ha! 

They probably wouldn't even care to have a Christmas card anyway, sad isn't it!

Yesterday I had two long telephone chats, first with Ros and we laughed and laughed about past holidays and talked about our grand children. It does us good to talk, I felt so good after it. 

Then with my school friend, who kept moaning about slowing down, to which I reminded her 'you are older!' Aren't we oldies funny, we expect to still be able to do things we did when we were 30 years younger. I know I do, and get frustrated when I can't garden all day. I have to have a rest every 30 mins or so, it takes longer but I am happy when I've just weeded about one side of a flower bed. I do have to have a fork stuck in the ground to hold when I bend over with my long handle trowel, otherwise I can over balance!

Old age is strange, you slow down without really noticing, then it hits you when you go to do something and you can't. 

We have a walk in shower, what's called a comfortable height toilet and a sturdy hand rail on the steps from our French doors on to the patio, we have these to make our life easier. 

We love what we've had done to this bungalow, its all to make our lives comfortable. I think some one is looking out for us and this was always 'His' plan. We've been truly blessed and I  never take it for granted.



  1. Growing older is strange because inside you don't feel very different - at least, I don't. Physically, you can't avoid noticing age creeping up.

  2. I think some people just don't know what to say when they read a post on social media that someone is going to a hard time or not feeling the best. Maybe they feel that it sounds trite to say, "Sorry you are feeling sad or blue; I hope you feel better, soon". Although they could have still called, unless they didn't see the post for whatever reason. I'm glad that you did get to speak with a couple of good friends. :)

  3. As for the modern mode of communication versus more traditional methods, it's all about finding a balance that works for you and respecting the preferences of others. And as for your Christmas card list, it's your prerogative to decide who deserves a spot on it!

    READ MY NEW BLOG POST: Melody Jacob Blog

  4. People are so caught up with social media today, real human interaction is forgotten. We know what we’ve lost. I fear for children who only experience family with their heads in phones and don’t know what conversation around a dinner table is any more. What will the world be like?

  5. I'm sorry your friends didn't give you a call. I think you're right, personal calls mean a lot but so many people just text or send a message.
    Getting older is funny. I feel the same on the inside, but my body doesn't go along with that.

  6. Trouble is there's not a lot you can say to someone who's down - without sounding trite or cliched. That they cared you were better is a good sign I think.

  7. Oh boy, do I relate to what you are saying, Chris! Life certainly isn't as we knew it. Times are achanging!! And, it's so hard to keep up with all the new technology and new way of doing things. I'd like to think that people still care if they don't call but it makes you wonder.

  8. My husband died in March last year - he was only 63- and I have been really upset about the responses I have had from people in the 11 months since his death . From his siblings who asked me if I am having a nice weekend ( I don’t have nice anything since he died ), to acquaintances telling me he is in a better place , to silence and on one occasion someone I thought of as a good friend crossing the street to avoid me
    There is nowt as queer as folk Chris


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