Tuesday 28 November 2023

To walk or not to walk???

It's certainly colder and yesterday and today have been slow days. The garden tidying has been halted and porridge is back on the menu for breakfast. I do really like it but with sugar! Dh's grandson eats it regularly... plain!.. In weather like this, cold and 'misserly' rain all I want to do is stay in the warm, with my book and maybe a nibble or two, except I am staying strictly on the SW food plan, so sweets, crisps, biscuits are not on the plan.  I'm fed up of fruit and so its not easy, but I can make an orange last a long time. In the long ago days, when I was  young, I used to have an orange cut up with thick cream and demerara sugar and never put on an ounce. Well truth be told, I might have, but I never weighed, in fact I didn't even own a pair of scales.

My cousin has lost five stone since June and I've struggled to lose  one! Ok she's much younger than me and walks everywhere. So I need to walk more.  Yesterday we needed some more top soil and there were no suitable parking spaces outside Homebase, so we parked a considerable way away from it. But it was ok, I walked there and back and round and up and down the aisles of the store. The thought of new plants will spur me on to walk!

I'm thinking of getting one of these 'Walks' that are a virtual visual of different places,   Kirsten of  A Letter from Home is doing this and I think it would suit me as 2000 steps a day is about what I can do. I find walking on the treadmill really boring, so this would be ideal. Have you seen them advertised, what do you think?



  1. Good morning, Chris. It's cold where I am too and I get to go to the hair dresser. Better get my heavy coat out, I guess. I don't like the cold, I don't like exercise. And, I'm finding it hard to give up my sugar! I'm a mess it looks like.

  2. I have a friend who does the walks also and she has tried to persuade me to join. But I think you need a Smart watch, dont you? And I dont have one of those.

  3. The virtual walks sound like a great idea! I hear you about boring exercise. Two days each week I go to the seniors centre for fitness classes but the other days I work out at home and it is very hard (all nigh impossible, in fact) to stay motivated.

  4. I'm not a fan of exercise but I do enjoy walking. Saying that, I do have to push myself when the colder weather arrives but having a dog makes me get out, and I always enjoy the walk once I'm out there.

  5. I have done a few of these and they do help motivate you to get out, especially if you are in any competetive like I am. You could also sign up for walks that raise money for charity this one starts tomorrow and is raiisng money for the Trussel trust.

    If you dont care about gettig the medal at the end they give the money the medal costs to the charity as well.


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Contact me.. chs22hk @ gmail. com without the spacing..