Thursday 30 November 2023

Icy morning.

 Some days we don't do a lot, we pop out for coffee, come home and enjoy sitting and talking. But today we made real effort to cross off some items on our 'to do' list! Our groceries come Thursday mornings, so all the more reason to be up showered and dressed early-ish!

Dh was outside first thing...and now our number can be seen from the road.

We did sit to have our midmorning coffee and then did the next few things on our list. Me plant white daffs in this container.

Pop hyacinths in  pretty pot, had to dig around in the shed for it.
And Dh set up bird feeders where we can see from the lounge.

We can include fat balls now; but not when we had. Nell she picked up the dropped bits. which upset her tum, and we had to clear it up! I peeked in the little greenhouse and the pelargoniums are all good.

Our garden is looking very winter weary, but one penstemon was still flowering.

So a few little jobs done, doesn't seem a lot, but I swept the patio, Dh planted garlic in our little veg patch and we tidied the pots. So a good morning, but oh was it cold; the water in the bird bath was ice and so were my toes by the time I came in! But we're happy with our efforts. The kitchen and bathroom were also cleaned.(yes I donned my tiara!) and 'Sharkie' was pushed around the lounge; no dog to play games with now. She hated all vacs whether they were switched on or not! And love to play catch me dashing round the furniture with the vac !

So we're more or less ready for the weekend. And very importantly we discussed Christmas food, will we make Jamie Oliver's gravy with the roasted veg and chicken wings?? Its only us two, but yes probably!  'We're worth it' 
What about you?


  1. You absolutely are worth it - if you do it for others, do it for yourself too. xx

  2. Sorry, I'm behind with commenting on your blog! But I agree - you are definitely worth it! One year, during the pandemic, when my daughter couldn't come down to visit me over Thanksgiving, I made a roast chicken with all the usual side dishes, just for myself! One of my family members expressed surprise that I would go to the trouble of doing it, but, as I told her, I was still going to celebrate Thanksgiving, even if I was alone on the day!


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