Thursday 23 November 2023

A pleasant afternoon, but am I getting too old?

 I've spent a very pleasant hour in the garden; these cosmos were well past their finest! I'd left them because I couldn't decide what to put in the pot instead. Then I could picture tulips towering above Wall flowers.

I'd bought the bulbs a few weeks ago, but then we had days and days of rain. My days of gardening in the rain are gone. I did once dig over a veg plot in a storm, ducking in the shed when there was lightning! I must have been mad. No just young! 

I didn't buy the Wall flowers, why? Because I didn't have the picture in my head then. Of course when we went to buy some yesterday, there were none anywhere.. So I bought polyanthas instead.
And it looks very nice, can't wait for them to flower now. 

 And here are the bulbs I planted a few weeks ago.
They have start to shoot already, after all its only 29 days till the shortest day of the year, (22nd Dec.) and then we are down hill to Spring! 
I also pruned the grape vine and tied in the main branches on to the post.
All the dead growth of my Sea Holly was cut back;

and this Verbena Grandiflora Brampton, old growth, gone.
Two of my absolute favourites, especially the Verbena, it's so delicate.

Three roses lightly pruned, and a few weeds pulled
I'm pleased with what I did but I'm really feeling my age, I didn't find it as easy as I used to..
Dh weeded and feeded the grass, front and back, as it is very tumpy because of the big dandelions. So hope it will look a lot better next year. Truth be told, the garden is a lot bigger than we wanted, but we'll keep going and then find a gardener when it really is too much for us!
How is your garden growing?


  1. Those tulip bulbs are huge. Think I made a mistake buying some cheap ones they were very small. You will get lovely flowers and I'll be lucky to get any

  2. The tulip bulbs are enormous in size. Stunning and robust-looking flowers

    You are welcome to read my most recent post.

  3. You must have a very mild climate. Our gardening days are over until at least April as we will soon be snow covered. The leaves have all been raked and the grass will need one more cut if the snow stays away for another week!

  4. It's a bit of a state right now, to be honest, because of all the garden room work. I'm trying to decide what changes I want/need to make to everything now the dynamic is so very different. xx

  5. I've already started having a gardener come once a fortnight; I'm too short of breath these days to do anything more than potter. Several years ago We paid a huge sum to have a border completely dug out, earth and all, and fresh soil and replanted. I said I wanted something to see every month, and it was well worth the money as I get so much pleasure from it. If I spread the cost over the four years since it was done, it's less than £1 per day, and goes down every year!

  6. Lucky you, to spend time in the garden! Mine is covered in snow. Gardening outside is over for us now until spring. Just waiting now for enough snow to get out the snowshoes and enjoy.

  7. I remember gardening in the rain too but it's not much fun. I still have lots to do in the garden but I have to do it in small sessions. The Sea Holly and Verbena are such lovely plants.


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