Tuesday 21 November 2023

Do you binge?

 Usually on a Monday we have a 'Diane' morning.. ie cleaning, called that because our cleaner we had, while living in Suffolk was called Diane. We needed someone to help with the cleaning immediately after my arm/shoulder ops. I am sometimes reminded of her when I use my face cream every morning, because she used to screw the lids back on really tightly. I suppose that was because she had picked them up when she polished my dressing table. But on Monday morning we were waylaid with the need to find out how Helen was in The Archers.

The Archers, is no longer a radio programme of the 'Everyday Story of Country Folk,'  its a lot more, but we still like it and listen to it every day, except last week we missed a five episodes. The Archers Face Book group were discussing Helen's plight, so we had to listen to find out how she fared.

    Rob Titchener, Helen's ex for whom she went to prison, because she  stabbed him, has come back into their lives. Now dying of a brain tumour, he'd ask the local vicar to Baptize him. It divided the village and caused unpleasant memories to immerge for Helen and her family, as there's Jack, age seven, his son; the result when he raped Helen.

It was so good, still the evil sociopath, trying to manipulate Helen on his death bed, but she resisted, yeh!! Good on you Helen. We were almost cheering, daft or what.. I can get very invested in it and I cried buckets when John died; he was killed when his tractor over turned. (1988)

I've so much of my life involved in this programme, I started to really follow it in 1964 when I was a young married house wife. I just love it!!

Have you ever listened to it?


  1. I listened to the archers from childhood, aged about 5, because mum did. When i was in digs at uni, I'd listen with my landlady after tea. In fact I listened consistently till lockdown, when it went weird and had those monologues. I gave up for a bit - and never got back into it. Recently I tried, because people were talking about Rob & Helen - but it's lost the magic.
    Yes, I cried when Jon died. I shouted "NO!" at the radio when Ruth nearly had her affair with Sam. I was deeply moved when Jill went to church and prayed the day princess Diana died, and I loved the cameo with Judi Dench. I stood in the kitchen shaking when Nigel fell of the roof.
    I listened for 60 years, but honestly I've hardly mussed it in the last 3.

  2. We don't get it here, more's the pity. My binges usually involve food - mostly chocolate!

  3. I've never listened to The Archers. I like how TV programmes can be streamed though now so that you can binge watch and don't have to wait week after week for each new episode like you used to.

  4. 'Diane moment' - I love that!

  5. That bought back some lovely memories of my mum. I remember she used to listen to the programme for many years, when it was simply a tale of country folk.
    Thank you for this post Chris x


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