Monday 20 November 2023

What to do when you're fed up with rain and diet...??

I'm not a person who likes rain, I know its good for the garden, (in the summer) but I hate getting wet, so avoid going out if I can.
It's been like this off and on all day.

So what to do?
I picked up my knitting. I have had a request for knitted socks from my youngest grandson.
He's the one in the middle, finished UNI with a First in Law. He is now practicing as a Paralegal.  When asked what he wanted to do when he was a grown up, he always answered ' a job where you wore suits and did a lot of talking!' And when he had a Saturday job as a teenager, his first buy with his wages was..... yes a suit! He is very chatty on the phone and I've always said to his parents, 'Don't speak secrets in front of him!'
He has to tell me what's happening.. a lovely young man, who likes every thing tidy and when he did leave home, my daughter really missed him, as it was he, who whizzed round with vacuum. I just love him to bits!

So more socks it is..The navy cuff and heel caused me big problems. as it is very difficult to knit a dark colour, in artificial light. I had to get out the spot light I used for cross stitching and wear my reading glasses rather than my varilex.

And then when I was feeling fed up with not eating cake, this popped up and it freezes. Unfortunately, we are very good at de-frosting too!
One of the trees, I bought for the new bit of garden in front of the new fence, was a Bramley apple tree with apples on it! So perfect for this....  Bramley Apple Cake.

275g plain flour.

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp cinnamon 

150g butter

150g soft brown sugar

250g Bramley apples peeled and chopped into small pieces.

1 egg

2 to 3 tbl sp milk

Demerara sugar to sprinkle


Add baking powder and cinnamon into flour

Rub butter into flour until it resembles fine bread crumbs.

Add apple

Pour in milk with egg mixed in.

Mix all together.

To cook

Spread mixture evenly in a greased tin and bake 200 C/ 180 CFan oven for 35 to 40 mins until golden brown and risen.

Sprinkle over demerara sugar while still warm.

Allow to cool in the tin before tipping out and cutting into bars.

You should get 16.


So not a bad afternoon in the rain was it?



  1. Maybe you aew at one with Oscar Widle who has a character who could resist anything but temptation? And that cake does sound tempting!

  2. Looks yummy. Apples were on sale last week but I didn't pick up too many. Hope they're still marked down when I shop on Wednesday!

  3. Hi Chris! Thanks for stopping at my blog.
    Your grandson sounds wonderful! I love that he bought a suit with his first wages. I also love the socks you are knitting. Perfect way to spend a rainy day.
    The cake looks good!

  4. What a special young man! And that apple cake sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing. Have a cozy evening!

  5. What a lovely grandson you have. A first is brilliant, well done to him.
    The cake looks delicious! xx

  6. Thank you for the Bramley Apple cake recipe it looks wonderful. I already know someone who would enjoy eating such a delicious treat!!
    You must be so proud of your grandson he sounds like a lovely young man. Socks made with love - a perfect gift.

  7. I like your rainy day activities - knitting socks for a special grandson and baking an apple cake! I do prefer sunny days to rainy days, but, we don't get a lot of rain, so, any and all rain is welcome! :)


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