Friday 3 May 2013

Now why did I make these? ( +Some cross stitch progress)

I don't
need them and probably won't use them but I so loved making them!
Knitted cotton face cloths.
I often get make up on my face cloths, so these are too pretty to spoil with black streaks, but they are lovely and soft.
The mauve one was knitted from the corner.
Here is the pattern I did.
Cast on 4 stitches
Row 1. k 2, yon, k2 (5 sts)
Row 2. K
Row 3. K2, yon, K1, yon, k2 (7sts)
Row 4. K
Row 5 K2.yon,k3, yon,k2 (9sts)
Row 6 K
Carry on like this increasing 2 sts on each row until you have knitted as much as you want.
Then reverse the process.
Knit 2 yon sl 1, k1. p sl s o, k to last 4 stitches cast off 2 and yon k2
next row k3 cast off 1 (by slipping a st and passing it over the next k st) k to last 5 sts,
cast off 2 and knit 3
Till you only have 4 stitches left.
Cast off
I did a row of  hd crochet and then a picot stitch in two colours
The other two are knitted in waffle stitch
Cast on 53
K first 3 rows in seed stitch
Row 1 seed stitch 3, then k to last three seed st 3
Row 2. Seed stitch 3, p to last 3 stitches, seed stitch 3
Row 3. Seed stitch 3, p2, k1, repeat to last 3, seed stitch 3
Row 4. Seed st 3, k2, p1, repeat to last 3, seed stitch 3
These 4 rows form the pattern.
Knit in pattern  as much as you want then finish with 3 rows of seed stitch.
A pretty and easy pattern
I used Dk cotton and size 8 needles (Old measurement I don't know the new)
( Seed st is k1, p1, k1, p1 across row, then next row p1, k1, p1 and so on)
And some cross stitch progress.
My Welcome Cat.
I have got to the cat and all the colour changes are not proving easy, but I like this so shall carry on
And some progress on my Chatelaine.
Convent's Herbal Garden
I will finish this altho' some of the speciality stitches needed a practice before I attempted them on the fabric, but I thought this is mine so what I do will be fine!
I have decided this is a more winter stitching project so it will be put in the bottom of my basket till the summer is over!

Happy Days, the sun has been glorious here the last few days and we have sat in the garden for breakfast. This morning we were serenaded by a wren, such a tiny little bird but such a sweet song.
We watched the blue tits flying to and fro so we guess the eggs have hatched and the little ones are keeping them busy. They can lay between 7 and 15 eggs!! Cor!! Fancy having 15 kids all at a time !!LOL

Keep calm and keep crafting, and pop a prayer in between those stitches!
Chris xx


  1. Nice work on everything, but I particularly like the Convent Garden - so pretty!

  2. Your Convent's Herbal Garden looks great! I love the details of the plants :)

  3. Hello Chris! What beautiful face cloths you have made. Lovely colors.
    I just love the little wrens. Every year they come around, but never nest here. I do wish they would. Have a fantastic day.

  4. Lovely facecloths - I started crocheting them a few years ago and I love them.

  5. The face clothes are lovely Chris!

  6. Well, I think you made those washcloths because you somehow knew that I wanted to make some! I do not like thick washcloths so I've been wanting to make thin ones, but how? Now I know ... DK weight cotton ... & great patterns as well! Thanks Chris : )

  7. How pretty! But as you say, too pretty to use. I use terry cloth ones and buy them in bundles so I don't mind tossing them when they get shabby. Hope you're well! Hi to all.

  8. Wow! Your cross-stitch is gorgeous. I love the washcloths too, they're very pretty and delicate.

  9. Your face cloths look great. I'm thinking of knitting some as part of a new baby box that I am putting together. You are making great progress on your stitching.

  10. Beautiful cross stitch. I never thought of making my own facecloths but yours are so pretty and the patterns look easy enough so thanks for both the idea and the patterns :)

  11. Lovely cloths and stitches!!

  12. Hope you've enjoyed a bit more time outside in the sunshine; looks to be a sunny bank holiday weekend!

  13. Oh I love the look of your Convent Garden though I dare not go and see what it is like finished as I am too easily tempted these days and I already have TajMahal in my wip box (though its probably 2 years since I last stitched on it I refuse to call it a ufo).


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