Saturday 27 April 2013

I love my garden!

We have widened my south facing herbacious border and I am happily filling it with plants. The tulips are just coming into flower while the daffodils are just fading.
The blossom is my damson tree which is always loaded with fruit.
The flowering  tree furtherest away is an amelanchier, very pretty in spring.
My little slate corner
The north side full of wild primroses, cowslips and the red camelia given to me by a friend for my 60th Birthday
And some patio pots, the tulips are my DH's a present from his GD whose name is Tulip!
And there is a pink camelia there, a present from my daughter for my 70th birthday.
And a closer pic of my alpine pots.
I made these up new this year as my others had became over grown.
The gravel and pebbles I already had but all the plants are new.
The shells are from a friend who lives in Portugal and there is  a small one there from Australia.

I love this garden, it keeps us both busy.. not shown is our small veg plot, dug over ready for the plants that I have grown in the green house and conservatory. As soon as the threat of frost has past it will be full of beans, courgettes, sweet corn, squash, beetroot and potatoes. I will have tomatoes grown in pots, carrots, and lettuce.. once the beans are finished there will be room for the cabbage.
We are very fortunate that we have several super garden centres near to us, so lots of choice and tea and cake in the afternoons!!LOL

Chris x


  1. I love the border and those pots, it all looks so neat. I'm a bit clueless with the garden!

  2. What beautiful gardens Chris. Thank you for inspiring me. I too have gardens in our yard. I was feeling very down about not being able to tend to them properly because of my limitations due to pain. If you can persevere, perhaps I can too!

  3. Your garden looks lovely.

  4. Love how the garden's looking Chris, isn't it nice to be able to get out and enjoy it....x

  5. The flower beds are gorgeous!

  6. Everything is looking beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi, Chris,
    "Tea and cake in the afternoon" sounds perfect to me! Your garden is lovely. I can tell it takes a lot of hard work but lots of pleasure provided by it, too. Thank you so much for stopping by my Bunny Cottage for a visit. I always enjoy meeting new friends. Have a happy weekend and new week ahead full of sunshine and blue skies, my friend. Vicki

  8. Hello Chris, Thank you for being one of my new followers and I love your garden. I don't have a green thumb I leave the growing to people like you and some of my other friends. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  9. Everything is blooming lovely in your garden Chris

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. This is a good book (Days of Gold ...) - it is a debut novel, somehow i liked it very much. The best part was that the characters were all rich/ strong.

    You might have also read A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth? If not that is the book i would recommend! It is a tome (1344 pages)- IMO the best book on India by an Indian author

    Happy reading

  11. Your garden looks great Chris, we're still in bud here

  12. This happens to me as well - though indirectly. A book that is not available here will be available say in the US or UK say for less than a dollar or a pound, however the shipping costs make the price exorbitant :( I might have to pay around 10 $ per book, and it is a total no-no to buy

    I have read Anita Shreve's The Pilot's Wife - i liked that book though to be honest that is the only book of that author i read

    How i wish i could read any book at a stretch!!

  13. Hi Chris :)
    Thankyou for your lovely comment at my blog and for visiting!
    I love your garden.. just my type.
    Enjoy it :)
    Robyn xx

  14. I love your garden too! Lots of love added there. :-)

  15. wow. how beautiful is that , and all your hard work shows for sure. you both have done a wonderful job there. love Marge

  16. Hi, Chris! Your garden is absolutely lovely! No wonder you love it so much and take great pride of it. Well, what can I say? You're a wonderful gardener. We can easily see how you artistically arranged all of these plants and pots where they can fully showcase their unique beauties. Gardening can be therapeutical and can, indeed, keep one's hands full. :) Good job you're doing here!
    Jeremy @ Flowers\' Gardens & Landscapes


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