Monday 6 May 2013

A super weekend

We have had a super weekend as my DS and DIL have stayed here as they were picking up her son from Heathrow this morning. This is his first trip home from Australia where he went to a new job three months ago.
We have thoroughly enjoyed their company. DH and DS chatted about 'men' things which my hubby loved.
We all sat out in the garden and my DIL was very impressed and has taken some ideas home for their garden.
Aren't these double tulips beautiful?  When they first flowered they were a lime cream colour and as they have grown they have developed into this lovely cream colour.
And this auricular was just one or two flowers last year but this year with some tender care and feeding they have burgeon into this beautiful clump!
Today we are relaxing and enjoying sitting around, maybe a walk later in the meadow, which is just up the way for us, to see the bluebells.

Hope your day is a good one too.

Chris xx


  1. Glad you had a nice weekend Chris! The flowers are lovely, especially those tulips! Bluebells are so pretty!

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend the plants look lovely too.I need to sort out my garden.

  3. Good for you to have a great visit with them.
    Your garden is lovely. I really like the stones. Is that slate?

  4. Those double tulips are stunning - I must get some bulbs this fall. Glad you had a great weekend!

  5. It's always lovely to have family visit. Gorgeous tulips.

  6. Pretty flowers. It is always good to spend time with family.

  7. Sounds like a lovely time!

  8. The warm sunshine makes all the difference doesn't it, you plants are blooming well.

    Lovely stitching and knitting in the post below.

  9. so pretty........ love flowers and you have some really pretty ones.........Marge


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