Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tea in the garden!

 It was  a beautiful day here yesterday, a bit too hot to be honest! Dh was up early as he had a blood test appointment for his annual check up. He left me in bed, but I was up and drinking tea when he got home.

I asked how it was, 'The sharp prick was sharp,' he said! Ooops! It will be my turn next, hope I have someone different.

It was a bit too hot to garden first thing, so we caught up with some house work, and the washing. I did my 'tiara' job and thought of Princess Catherine at the Trooping of the Colours' on Sunday. She looked as usual absolutely gorgeous, but even slimmer. Get well soon Kate. I loved the clothes of both Kate and Charlotte, both in black and white. 

When it was cooler, at about 4 we went out to tackle next door's ivy and 'mile a minute,' which grows on their fence on our shared boundary at the side of our bungalow. They have never cut it and we usually get it cut when we have our hedges cut, but the last fellow hardly touched it. So it had grown so much it was taking up our pathway, so Dh cut it right back and I helped to bag it up. It filled 4 green sacks. It took us 1 1/2 hours!

It was still warm, so we had our evening meal outside. It was lovely to sit out in our own garden.. We are so very blessed! 


Hope you had this lovely weather too.



  1. We have meals on the deck these days. Such a wonderful time of year!

  2. We had mile-a-minute vines at our old place, and we kind of controlled it but never got rid of it. We don't have it at this house, but we have poison ivy, which is a problem - especially since we are allergic to it.

  3. I thought Princess Kate looked beautiful too and it was so nice to see the family again.
    We're in the middle of a heat wave so no eating outside right now, but we do enjoy it when it's nice.

  4. Hot weather starting here today and lasting several days. I watered yesterday and will do it again in the early hours tomorrow morning.

    We had that weed in Maryland but I've not seen it here in New Hampshire yet.

    Stay cool.

  5. Definitely a busy day for you. But sounds enjoyable, except for the prick of a needle.
    Nice delicious looking plate of food there..

  6. I had not heard of this vine before, but sure hope it never finds its way here!
    Your day sounds nice, and the supper sure looks appetizing.

  7. Your meal looks delicious. It hasn't been warm enough to eat outside here, yet. Fingers crossed, as the forecast is looking better for the weekend. Xx


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