Saturday 15 June 2024

Steps... ok at last!

 When we moved here 3 years and a day ago, these were the steps from the French doors on to the patio. It doesn't show here but that bottom step had a drop of 8 inches and no hand rail. I quickly phoned around builders to get a handrail.. I was able to find one for that second  weekend and they were very nice and competent and suggested a wooden area to step out on to. Seemed a good idea at the time, and to be honest I was desperate to get them sorted.

And they build these, I must have said more than once they were a bit steep.. but their argument was, if they made them shallower we'd lose patio area.. Don't they look good?
 They cost £1900 and for a while I used these, because the rail was sturdy and aided me getting down and up.. but I wasn't happy and they were too deep with a step depth of 6 and 7 inches.

On one of my sleepless nights thinking about the steps, because my operated knee had started to be a bother.. yes my covid lockdown weight gain was causing me bother, I thought about how to sort out the steps.  They were becoming difficult, so I thought why do the steps have to go down in the front, why not to the side against the wall of the bungalow?

Yesterday and today our odd job man has built these super steps. Just what I needed and only 3inch depth to the steps... wonderful!

At last I feel I can go out into the garden, when ever I want with no fear of tripping. I 've been outside looking at them in the rain, I am so happy with them. A new handrail is on order which will make it even safer for me.

At last, steps I can use effortlessly!



  1. What a brilliant idea, how great that you can now use the steps easily and safely. Why is it that some workmen will only do what they think and won't listen to what we actually want and need? They're not always right!

  2. They look like the perfect solution, and they look nice too. Glad you found a way to have exactly what you want.

  3. I think this step addition looks great and must be a real relief to
    you when coming and going outside.

  4. I know these steps have been a concern for a while. Glad you have finally gotten something that you feel safe with.

  5. I'm happy for you! They look really nice!

  6. They look like they will be the perfect solution for you. Xx

  7. What a clever solution! And they look nice too. Funny how things like that suddenly have such importance as we get older.


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