Friday 14 June 2024

Is it an illness?

 To me insomnia is a condition which isn't listed as an illness, but until you have suffered with it you have no idea how debilitating it can be.

I have it night after night, some times I dread going to bed. I've read about it and follow all the recommendations. What is mostly suggested, is not to stay in bed when you wake in the night. So I get up and read, although if I'm comfy and warm I stay in bed, trying not to think thoughts that will keep me awake. 

Sometimes my mind races and thoughts fly through my mind, and then when I check the time, an hour has gone, so have I been sleeping and was I dreaming?  Three years ago one Dr did prescribe some sleeping tablets, whooo I was like s zombie all day, so didn't take them. after trying them once.

I saw a different Dr, young and new, and she said I needed estrogen, as post menopausal women lack this hormone and also prescribed an anti histamine tablet for sleep. It has helped but I still have nights when I wake for the loo about 3 and can't get back to sleep. I have to be completely comfortable, pillow just right, nightie  covering my nether regions, and duvet not on my head and feel warm.

Strange but sometimes I feel uncomfortable even though all the above things are ok and I've come to realise, that its my body that's not comfortable, little niggles keep me awake. Mostly its my arm, not extreme pain but definitely uncomfortable, so I leave 2 paracetamol ready to take and then I go to sleep and its the best sleep of the night.

Being awake at night, steals my days and I'm lethargic and slow all day. Its not good for trying to lose weight, well its not good for anything. And horror of horrors I 'm getting bags under my eyes!

There have been nights when Dh wakes too and we get up and have tea and toast in the middle of the night. Not good for the food plan as I have a liberal amount of butter, not weighed! 

The one good thing that comes out of this I get to read a lot of books.

Its so annoying, not a healthy things to happen, I've heard of  'Sleep clinics' but how would you get to one of those? Its not classed as a priority condition so no real treatments that help to prevent it, just tablets to help you sleep. 

Any women who suffer the same?



  1. I have periodic bouts of insomnia. Last night I didn't get to sleep until past 2:00. I went to bed very angry so it wasn't really surprising.

  2. I have 'not sleeping' nights. Then I put on soft Bluetooth headphones which are like a headband, and listen to talking books, music, or the radio, using the timer on the app to stop after 30 mins. I can get setup using my tablet without waking my husband. Or an mp3 player, Usually I am asleep in 10 minutes or less; if I wake up again and can't get back to sleep I just carry on! I try and choose books which are not too exciting and where it doesn't matter if I have missed a whole chapter. Things like 'I'm sorry I haven't a clue' or 'just a minute' work well, also anything by Bill Bryson, and (regrettably! ) David Suchet reading the Bible is very soothing.
    Last night I picked the wrong book; it was too interesting so listened to several books. Guess what, I'm a bit sleepy today!

  3. It has to be so frustrating! I don't have it often, but had it last night. I was awake after 1am, knowing I had to get up at 6 for work. So hopefully I'm not too tired today. :)
    I'm sorry you have to deal with this so often.

  4. Hi, just wanted to suggest trying a magnesium supplement if you haven't already. There are different forms of magnesium and the best for sleep is magnesium glycinate. It isn't like a sleeping tablet so won't leave you doped up the next day. It really works for me, usually after reading in bed till about 11.30pm I sleep for around 8 hours .I still have the occasional bad night if I have something on my mind but if I read for a bit tend to go back to sleep.Take it in the evening a couple of hrs before bed. Hope it helps you,

  5. I don’t sleep well either. I manage with naps during the day. I was awake numerous times last night but never for long, so today is a good day.

  6. I really need sleep and suffer when I don't get enough. I have heard that meditation during the day can help with sleep at night. I don't practice it, but have been meaning to start.

  7. Your nights sound so difficult. I wake often, usually because of pain, but can usually get back to sleep, sometimes by deep breathing, really paying attention to those breaths so I don't think about other things, and sometimes I actually count sheep!
    I have found that limiting caffeine to before noon can help. But most effective is just working really hard all day. I fall into bed exhausted! And sleep soundly, unless knee/arm/hip/etc carry on too much. I never get up though---the advice I had was to stay in bed, so exactly the opposite of what you were told. Go figure.
    Well, off to get exhausted lol!

  8. I don't sleep well and haven't since daughter was born 40+ years ago, she was an awful sleeper. Now I can be really tired, fall into bed and my brain goes ding and I'm wide awake, not helped by the fact we are moving and in my head I'm re-arranging everything in our new house. Like you I find 2 paracetamols help. Have a great weekend. Hugs Xx

  9. I have the occasional night when I don't drop off easily, but it's not often. It must be awful to have regular sleepless nights, and quite debilitating too.
    I can understand why you don't want to take sleeping tablets , it's not good to get dependant on those.

  10. I don't usually have trouble sleeping. But there are occasions so I take two ibuprophen which help. I also find that if there's a cool spot for my feet to rest, it helps.

  11. I'm another one who has trouble sleeping. Because of my heart I can't take anything for pain also no antihistamines. I usually can fall sleep but wake up around 4 and lie there.... don't let myself get up until 6. I try to have a nap in the afternoon, that helps.

  12. By the comments it sounds a common problem. I didn't have trouble until recently after back operation but it is mostly because of the pain when moving in bed. When I have had the occasional problem I do what Granny Sue said. I do Yoga breathing and it seems to help get rid of the stuff crowding your brain.
    I hope you find a solution soon.

  13. That sounds horrible. I wake several times a night and that is bad enough, means I never feel completely refreshed. People suggested magnesium so I'm currently trying those. Can't say there's a huge difference so far but I'll persevere for a bit. What I found when I mentioned it was how many people suffer! I was amazed.

  14. It seems like quite a few of us have this issue to deal with on at least some nights. I usually wake about 3am and then drift in and out for the next few hours. It is tiring though isn't it. I try to take each day as it comes and rest up when I need to. I wouldn't want to take sleeping tablets though.


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